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As Devangi stood there alone, confused and conflicted, her mind wandering off and her conscience cloudy, she couldn't see the woman wrapped in a dark red saree standing behind the gilded pillars of the stage. Her silhouette hidden beneath the saree and her face covered with a dupatta, as if she was trying to hide from everybody present. Her trembling hands were holding a lit diya. As she stayed hidden behind the pillar, with a swift yet careful move, she dropped the lit diya on the pallu of Devangi's saree and quickly disappeared among the crowd, no sign of her left behind. No trace. As if she were a moving shadow. A chhaya.

As soon as the diya fell on Devangi's saree, the soft, sheer, delicate silk caught on fire within seconds. Before she could do anything, the flame raged in fury as the highly flammable silk clung to her skin. When the flame grew more fiercely, spreading quickly on her saree, Devangi screamed.


Everyone turned towards her, their eyes etched in horror as they looked at the future bride-to-be surrounded by raging flames, the bold flame quickly taking over her. Devraj looked at her, freezing in shock at the moment, while Mahendra turned towards her, his eyes widened in horror, his hands clenched into a fist, an unknown fear of losing creeping up his back. He shouted at the top of his lungs, "Devangi...." as she cried in pain and dropped to the ground.


Engulfed by the intolerable flames, she completely lets go of herself. Her gut-wrenching screams are echoing through the grand hall. Her saree is starting to burn away exposing her skin to the raging fire.

Witnessing the horrifying scene before their very eyes, the whole royal hall stops, in shock and thunder as pin-drop silence takes the reign. Once a bustling evening with joy and celebration has now become a grim reality.

In a moment of such immense pressure and fear, Mahendra quickly takes off his angavastra and runs toward Devangi. His eyes widened in pure horror, his body trembling, his heart pounding against his chest at a rapid pace. He feels like the whole world has stopped around him. His only purpose, only goal, only ambition is protecting her.

In a fleeting moment, a blink of an eye, he quickly wraps his angavastra around Devangi trying to extinguish the flame, his gaze helpless, his eyes teary, his face etched in worry and fear. He pats the fire with his bare hands trying to extinguish whatever is left of it. The skin on his palm is burning away, but he couldn't care less. He couldn't feel any pain other than the pain of losing her, the fear of an unforgiving future.

The powerful prince brought down to his knees, tears flowing from his eyes that only ever felt intense and menacing before, his desperation, devotion, and worry a true sight of pure spectacle among the courtiers. Devraj snaps out of the state of momentary shock as he and Ranveer quickly run towards Devangi and Mahendra. By then, the helpers have also arrived with wet clothes, water buckets, and other necessities.

The whole grand hall buzzes with people murmuring and whispering about the incident that has taken place before them.

With the fire now extinguished, Devangi lies on the ground groaning in pain. Her left arm covered in blisters and painful burns, her right leg obscured by crucial scorched skin. And a small patch of burn on her left shoulder.

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