10. Scent Of Scheme

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"Alright then, it's decided. My matrimony with the princess will take place in 3 days. Even though I wasn't sure about inviting you, now I openheartedly welcome you to give us your blessings at the wedding as the brother and guardian of my future wife." Mahendra says with a victorious grin on his face. He strides out of the council room with a victorious grin on his face, his head held high with confidence. But there is a change in this victory of his.

He never feared anything before. But today, he was scared out of his wits when Devraj talked about taking Devangi away. His brain almost stopped working. In his heart, he knew that Devangi wouldn't have any difficulties finding a king or a prince for herself. A woman like her is every man's dream. All the words he said in there, was it just because he wanted to win? Or was it because he was scared of losing Devangi? Whatever it might be, he is delighted that she is still his. That fear of losing her, this happiness of having her, what is it? Could it possibly be love?

Could this feeling possibly be love?

As Devraj walks down the corridor, he finds himself lost in thought. "Love? Absolutely not! Love is just a series of lies. In this cold and dark world, nobody truly knows how to love," he thinks to himself.

However, as he comes across the chamber of Princess Devangi, he shakes off his thoughts and focuses on the present. The guards at the door are already fast asleep. Nobody knows if it is out of curiosity or care, but he slowly opens the door to peek inside. The room is dimly lit by a flickering torch, swaying unsteadily with the wind. He finds it quite hard to fathom the scenario inside. He slowly opens the door a little wider trying not to make any sound. He steps inside the room with utmost caution. He scans the room from one end to the other in search of the princess. She is asleep on a couch. The peaceful glow has completely disappeared from her face.

The darkness in her chamber is like the darkness in her life. It feels as if it has swallowed her whole. Her Lush curls are open and are almost touching the ground. The pallu of her saree is barely covering her chest. The silk blouse is clinging to her form like a feather. He starts walking toward her.

But as he steps forward, his feet get stuck to something on the floor. As he tries to set himself free, all the commotion in the room wakes Devangi up. Devangi's heart is racing as she frantically asks, "Who is there?" she quickly tries to fix her attire, but Mahendra is struck speechless as if a bolt of lightning had hit him. The only source of light in the chamber is coming from a single fire torch, allowing Devangi to see that it was a man who had entered.

Fearful, she grabs a fruit knife from a nearby basket and runs towards the torch, the ringing of her anklets echoing throughout the room. Finally able to free himself, Mahendra too runs towards the torch, desperate for any light in the darkness. Just as they reach the torch, a sudden gust of cold wind extinguishes it, leaving them in pitch-black darkness. In her panic, Devangi reaches out for the put-out torch and bumps into Mahendra.

Terrified of the stranger in her chamber, she swings the knife with all her might, slicing through the air and landing it on Mahendra's forearm. His hand let out a faint shriek from the fresh wound as they both stood in the darkness, unsure of what to do next.

"Princess! Stop! It's me." Mahendra speaks in a reassuring and calm voice.

"Me who? If you try anything I will cut you in half I swear to god!" Devangi says trying to sound intimidating. But the fear in her voice is barely concealed.

"It's me, Mahendra!" he says in a soothing and low voice. "Prince Mahendra?" she exclaims in utter disbelief.

"Yes." He replies as if it's nothing.

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