Chapter 2 - "Hyde" by VIXX

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Side characters that appear for the first time/mentioned for the first time in this chapter plus their pronunciations.



Park Taewoong

       Park Tae-oong (the g sound is really soft at the end)

Ru Naehyeon

Roo Nae-yon

Kim Kwang-Min

      The same as it sounds

Lee Chiwon

Lee Chee-wahn

Ri Hyonjun

Ri Hyahn-joon

3944 words 

Published 4/22/22

October 18th

	I rip out another lyric filled page from my notebook, wad it up in my hand, and toss it over my shoulder, adding it to the sea of discarded ideas already littering the floor of my studio

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I rip out another lyric filled page from my notebook, wad it up in my hand, and toss it over my shoulder, adding it to the sea of discarded ideas already littering the floor of my studio. I stretch my arms upward and sigh before leaning over and taking a sip of my Iced Americano only to crinkle my face in disgust when all I taste is water with only a hint of coffee flavor. Gross. I knew I should have had Pêe Mengrai pick up my coffee from the other place that makes their Iced Americanos with frozen coffee cubes instead. I glance at the time and frown once more. Oh yeah, they had already closed four hours before I even sat down here. He had to get this one from a convenience store instead since it was already 2am when I finally got the chance to sit down here and write. I push the clear plastic cup behind my computer monitor for now where I won't subconsciously pick it up again and try to drink from it once more. I'm already planning on dumping the liquid out the next time I get up for a bathroom break; if not when I leave.

I look up at the monitor of the computer. The original lyrics staring back at me. This particular song has plagued me for years, and I've tried to resubmit it for consideration three times already. The first version was perfect in my opinion, but it wasn't accepted simply due to the subject matter. The longing for my future soulmate barely hidden in between each line of lyric; each verse building the desire and need for this woman who would be my everything. The higher ups of our label, Essentials Music, claimed it was remarkably poetic, but they were absolutely against the idea of our group debuting with a B track song already broadcasting the desire for the other half of a soulmate bond.

Part of me understands. We were a brand new group debuting and the last thing they wanted was to broadcast the fact that we were already searching for our soulmates. It wouldn't have been smart for business to market ourselves ready to begin the next chapter of our lives so early like that. South Korea's numbers hadn't been as strongly reduced when velenoise wiped a good amount of the population through the world. We had a lot more female fans to address than most other countries in the world because of it.

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