Chapter 6: Friend

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You spent the next few days staying up til midnight, either working on Bakugou's gauntlets or trying to get through the amounts of schoolwork you'd been given. Normally, you didn't spend too much time on gear, but you didn't want to risk Bakugou's wrath if his equipment wasn't good enough. Besides, this was the first time anyone had asked you to work on something for them. You wanted to prove that you were capable.

However, this dedication had taken its toll on your sleep schedule. So when you walked into class with dark circles under your eyes and grime on your hands from working all night, people noticed.

"Girl, are you good?" Mina asked "You look like you just got in a fight with a bear!"

"I'm fine, just another late night." You said with a weak smile.

Bakugou overheard this and glanced over. He noticed the ash on your face and dirty hands that you were trying to wipe on your skirt. Clearly, you'd been working with something mechanical. Had you stayed up all night fixing your equipment?

Had you stayed up all night working on... his equipment?

Although Bakugou felt a twinge of pride at the idea of you working tirelessly to please him, he also couldn't help feeling guilty. Hero students had enough work to do without taking on side projects like this. And you weren't even fixing your own gear, you were doing this for him.

Bakugou stood up from his desk and walked over to you. When you saw him, your face lit up slightly. "Bakugou! Good news, I'm almost done with the upgrades to your gauntlets. Once I finish with the external protection, I can buff up the temperature system. I might be able to get some Tungsten from the lab if-"

Bakugou flicked your forehead to snap you out of your ramblings. "Ow, what the hell man?!" You snapped.

"Oi, dumbass. Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Ugh, not you too," you groaned "I'm fine, really. I'm not even tired!"

"If you keep overworking yourself like this, you're gonna burn out. You need to get more sleep."

You looked at him with slight amusement. "Bakugou, I didn't think you cared so much about my well-being!"

"Shut the hell up! I'm only telling you so you don't fuck up my gauntlets because you were half awake!"

"Relax man, I'm just kidding!" You laughed "But thanks for the advice. You're probably right, I need to be sleeping more."

"Of course I'm right." He replied.

The two of you were interrupted when Aizawa walked in. He was curled up in his sleeping bag like usual, but despite his tired demeanor, he was wide awake.

"Listen up class, because I'm only saying this once," he said "The sports festival is approaching, as I'm sure you all know. However, this year the festival will be a little different. Normally the UA faculty designs the games and plans the competitions. But in an effort to support up-and-coming designers and heroes, this year's festival will be designed by an outside party."

The class murmured amongst themselves at this new revelation. The UA sports festival has been a school tradition for years, one that was watched worldwide and recognized by other schools. To have an outsider running the show seemed strange.

"Obviously the final event will be the same," Aizawa continued "but the specialists have been given full creative control. They'll be observing some of our training to get a better grasp of your quirks, in order to make the events more challenging and specialized."

"Wait really?!" Denki shot up from his desk "There's gonna be real-life pros watching us train?"

"If you mean 'real-life pros' other than your teachers, then yes."

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