Chapter 13: New Encounters

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The excitement over the sports festival faded in the coming days. You returned to your classes with the rest of UA and soon enough, you fell back into your normal routine. The only real change was Bakugou. He was being almost nice to you. His voice took a lower tone whenever you were talking, and heated arguments were reduced to playful bickering. You were beginning to consider him a friend.

Todoroki had also been a lot closer. He walked with you to and from class and continued tutoring you. Even when you said he didn't have to, he insisted that it was no trouble. You were doing your best to include him in group activities, but he seemed only interested in spending time with you. It was nice, sure, but you wished that he would engage more with others. While you valued his friendship, it could get a bit tiring spending all day with one person.

Unfortunately, your life was about to get even more tiring. Finals were coming up. Nobody knew what they would be, and as such, everybody was freaking out to some extent. Only Bakugou seemed unaffected, though you suspected it was a front. You were studying in the library one afternoon when he approached you.

"Come with me." He said, slamming his hand on the table.

"Well hello there Bakugou." You said "I'm doing fine, thanks so much for asking."

"Shut up! Just come on."

You crossed your arms and turned towards him. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why."

He sighed. "You wanted a coach, right? Well here I am. Grab your stuff, we're training in the gym."

You sat with your jaw open before standing up. Honestly, you hadn't expected him to follow up on what he'd said after the Sports Festival. But there was no way you were going to pass this opportunity up.

He dragged you all the way out to the gym on the far side of campus. "You know there's a gym way closer right? Why can't we train there?"

"Too many people." He tossed his bag on the floor "Need fewer distractions."

You rolled your eyes but followed suit, placing your bag next to his. The two of you began stretching against the wall. Bakugou took his shirt off and flung it on the ground. You blushed and looked away, but not before getting a glimpse of his chest. God, was he built. His toned abs glistened with sweat. He seemed to be built of pure muscle. Even his collarbones were flexed.

Get your head out of the gutter (Y/n) You chided yourself Yeah, he's hot. So what?

Bakugou's voice snapped you out of thoughts. "Oi, you ready?"

"Yeah. What are we doing?"

"Sparring. No quirks."

"No quirks? Isn't the whole point of this to improve my quirk abilities?"

He scoffed. "Your problem is stamina, not skill. In order to use your quirk effectively, it needs to be second nature. That only happens when you've built up enough strength." His eyes skimmed your body "And you don't have that."

"Hey! I'm strong!"

"Yeah?" He gave a cocky smirk "Prove it. Try to pin me down."

You gulped. He was serious about this. You planted your feet and bent your legs slightly. He didn't even get into position, just crossed his arms over his chest. Not giving any warning, you shot forward, aiming for his shins. In the blink of an eye, he had blocked your attack and pushed you away.

Pausing to take a breath would only give him the advantage. So you tried again, kicking him squarely in the chest. He stumbled back, but quickly regained composure and charged. Bakugou swung his wide right hook at your face, only missing you by a millimeter.

I'll Save You (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora