Chapter 22: Making A Move

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Katsuki was silent for a second. Both of you stood in the snow, not saying a word. Did the leader of the organization you were trying to defeat just speak to you? Did he just compliment you?

He had been right in front of your eyes, sitting at a cafe like a normal person. You couldn't wrap your head around the fact that he was secretly behind the manufacturing of fake quirks. You expected the leader of KRAGA to be an evil mad scientist, performing experiments on unwilling patients. Reno was something entirely different. The scariest thing about him was his charm and appearance of normalcy.

"We... we have to show the heroes!" You said frantically. "They need to know about this! We can arrest him and stop everything right now–"

"Whoa, calm down." Katsuki snapped you out of your rambling "The agencies are probably closed right now. How are we supposed to report this?"

Hands shaking, you grabbed your phone and started tapping. "I can call Hawks and tell him to meet us. If we act fast, we might be able to shut down their operation tonight!"

Katsuki tried his best to ignore the fact that you had Hawks's number and stood by as you called. Hawks picked up quickly.

"Hey kid, what's up?"

"Hawks!" You were almost breathless "We found the CEO of KRAGA! He started talking to us at a cafe and we have his ID and if we move in we can catch him now!"

There was a sound of something breaking. "You're sure?" Hawks's voice was low "You found him?"

"We're sure. It's him."

There was a pause on the other end of the line. Then he spoke. "Get to the agency right now."

Less than 10 minutes later, you were seated in the main conference room at Hawks's agency. Endeavor, Mirko, and every hero in the area gathered together to hear the news. Ms. Tojou stood at the front and turned on her screen.

"Attention everyone!" She announced "Thank you all for coming on such short notice."

"What's going on?" Endeavor asked "Has there been an update in the case?"

Hawks flew over and stood behind you and Katsuki. "These two had a run-in with the man we now believe to be in charge of KRAGA."

Murmurs rippled through the conference room. Ms. Tojou quieted everyone down and resumed speaking. "So, now we know their leader and their location. We still aren't sure what their goal is, but we know that they need to be stopped. Tonight I'm ordering an emergency raid on their offices."

"We've obtained a warrant, so no need to hold back." Hawks added "Our primary goal is capturing all members as well as confiscating any other artificial quirk samples they may have."

You looked at Katsuki and gave a short nod. This was it. Finally, you had a chance to stop this.

The temperature had dropped even more when you reached the offices. You mentally reminded yourself to include heat lining in your costume and hugged yourself for warmth. Mirko jumped down from her perch on a street lamp and landed next to you.

"Ya nervous?" She nudged your arm.

You swallowed. "Maybe."

"Good. That means you care. So use those nerves as energy and we'll get this done in no time."

She ruffled you and Katsuki on the head. "And watch out for this one, will ya?" She jerked her head in his direction. "He's got a good brain, he just doesn't always use it."

"FUCK OFF!" Katsuki swatted her hand away "I can handle myself!"

"Enough messing around!" Endeavor's voice boomed "We have a job to do."

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