Chapter 32: A Confrontation

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Despite your best efforts to stay busy, your mind kept drifting back to Kaito. Even your outrageous amount of work couldn't keep you distracted. Should you really have just stormed out like that? Every time you reached in your pocket you felt the burning emptiness where the keys used to be.

"(Y/n), are you alright?"

Shouto looks over at you with concern. You gave a forced smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."

"Okay." His tone indicated that he didn't believe you. "Let's do one more loop around the area and call it a day."


"Fine, we're going!" You shot Katsuki an annoyed look. He'd been in a bad mood since the incident at Kaito's house. It had only gotten worse in the past hour of patrolling with Shouto.

"What's your fucking problem?" He whispered to you "You still haven't said anything about yesterday. Did something happen with your piece-of-shit brother after I left?"

"I don't feel like talking about it right now!" The last thing you needed right now was to relive the event. "Can we just go on one normal patrol without you causing a scene?"

Kasuki scoffed and stormed off, leaving you to take the rear. Whatever. You didn't have time for this bullshit today. Not his, not anyone's.

From up ahead, Shouto couldn't stop a slight smile from creeping onto his face. It was about time Katsuki got put in his place. Maybe now you'd finally realize that you could do better.

"Has Hawks given you any updates about the case?" He asked you.

"No, not yet." You sighed "KRAGA's been dormant for months. God, waiting around like this is excruciating."

"At least they're not causing any more damage."

Suddenly, a high pitched frequency rang out. It shot through your ears, making your head feel like it would split open. The noise reminded you of microphone feedback played at the highest level.

"I THINK IT'S COMING FROM THAT WAY!" You yelled desperately, waving your hand in the general direction.


With that, he was off, leaving a cloud of ash in his wake. You shot after him. The air pressure on your skin only pushed you further, evaporating water droplets as fast as you could. Everything blurred past. The only thing clearly in view was Katsuki and his bright explosions.

The sound reached its peak at one of the apartment buildings lining the block. Atop the roof stood a woman. Her long brown hair created a waterfall down her back, almost reaching the waist of her purple dress. She was draped in the deepest violet you'd ever seen. She was so beautiful, so alluring. For a moment you thought you were hallucinating.

She turned around like she was expecting you. The second you touched down on the roof the frequency stopped and she smiled. There was something familiar about her, but you couldn't put your finger on it.

"Welcome, welcome (Y/n)." Her eyes shone brightly "I've been very excited for this."

"How do you know my name?"

Not bothering to answer, she glanced behind you. "And you brought your friends! Perfect."

Shouto and Katsuki landed behind you in a burst of ice and smoke. They both eyed the woman suspiciously.

"Why the hell did you stop?" Katsuki asked you before turning to her "And who's this?"

"Katsuki Bakugou, it's a pleasure to see you! And you must be Shouto Todoroki." Her smile reminded you of a snake eyeing its next meal.

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