Chapter 28: Brother

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"This is a bad idea."

"Correct. Unfortunately we don't have any better ones."

Hawks stretched out his wings, letting the feathers ruffle in the breeze. Despite
the weather report's claim that it was supposed to be getting warmer, winter was still clinging tight. You shivered and held up the binoculars again.

"Hey, is that him?" You pointed to the street below. A lanky man with pale blue hair had turned into a dark side alley.

"Looks like it." Hawks pulled up his scanner. "Yep. Matches the description perfectly. So, you ready to get some answers?"

Nodding, you put on your gloves and joined him on the edge of the rooftop. Hawks shot down like a bullet with you close behind. By the time you hit the ground, he'd already pinned the man in a chokehold.

Despite his desperate attempts, your captive had no real chance of escaping. "Asano Mimura, yeah?" Hawks asked, still restraining the man's throat. "Sorry to bother you, but we have a few questions."

"Too bad. I don't have any answers." Asano choked out.

"Oh really? I think you're not giving yourself enough credit." Hawks said "(Y/n), cuffs."

You tossed him the handcuffs and followed your boss into the next building. The other heroes that had been called were already waiting by the impromptu holding cell. Shouto stood against the wall while his father restrained Asano to the chair.

"Normally we'd do this at the police station, but we're a bit short on time." Hawks sat across from him "What do you know about KRAGA?"


"What do you know about the illegal distribution of quirk supplements?"


"What do you know about the plans for a large-scale quirkless uprising?"


Hawks shrugged and turned around. "Well, I've done all I can. You want to take this one big guy?"

"Certainly." Endeavor took a threatening step towards Asano, heat radiating from his body. Red-hot flames engulfed his hands.

"Alright, fine!" Asano caved. "I was contacted by KRAGA about a week ago. They wanted me to help them mass produce some kind of quirk drug."

"And you agreed?"

"The guy they sent didn't give me much of a choice. I provided them with the resources to make their first few batches."

"Where are they making them?"

"I don't know." He said. Endeavor ignited his flames again. "I swear, I don't! I just handed the supplies off to their representative."


"Some guy with a bunch of fucked up burn marks. His face was held together with staples."

His words felt like a bucket of ice being dumped on your head. You only knew one person who fit that description.

"Dabi..." Hawks muttered.

The burned man had made several appearances last year, but you'd never confronted him face-to-face. Luck had kept you separated from Dabi and his flames, both during the USJ attack and when the training camp was ambushed. You'd only heard stories from your classmates, but that was enough to convince you that you never wanted to meet him.

Endeavor and the other heroes huddled up in the corner. You were unsure if you should listen in, but Shouto motioned to stand next to him.

"This is worse than we thought." Hawks said "If KRAGA has started working with the League of Villains, they're a much bigger threat."

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