Chapter 12: Feelings

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No no no no NO NO NO.

This could not be happening.

Bakugou Katsuki could not have feelings for someone. He was on his way to become the Number One Hero, he didn't have time for a crush. He wasn't like all the other lovesick fools, tripping over themselves to win the object of their affections. Bakugou was better than that.

And yet...he couldn't deny that feeling he got in his chest whenever he saw you. The way you smiled made his heart skip a beat. Even doing the simplest of things would overwhelm his thoughts with images of holding you, kissing you, touching you...

No. Bakugou was not going to go there. He was not going to think about that determined look in your eyes, or your contagious laughter, or your stupid pretty face. He wasn't going to imagine what it would be like to pull you close to him and hold you against his chest, before pulling away and bringing his lips to yours.

If he could, Bakugou would punch the feelings out of his chest with his fist. Instead, the wall outside your hospital wing would have to do. He stood there panting, the scorched mark on the wall the only indicator of his emotions.

What was he going to do? Admitting his feelings was the last thing on his list. And telling anyone else would make it even worse. Bakugou could already hear his friend's teasing voices encouraging him to 'make a move' for months to come. He hated this. He hated feeling weak and vulnerable, like a pathetic loser. Most of all, he hated that there was nothing he could do about it. The feelings still lingered no matter how much he tried to push them away.

The best option seemed to be avoiding you altogether, but even that wouldn't work. The only thing worse than confessing would be not getting to be by your side. Leaving you to be swept off your feet by some other man. The thought made Bakugou's blood boil. No, he'd just have to pretend like everything was normal, go about his day to day life pretending he wasn't thinking about you every second.

Bakugou quickly composed himself when he heard footsteps coming down the hall. Aizawa was rounding the corner with his usual tired expression. His eyebrows raised when he saw Bakugou.

"Where have you been?" He asked, "Recovery Girl wants to see you before the award ceremony."

Bakugou grunted and stalked off, his hands balled into fists. What the hell was he going to do when he saw you? All of his previous anger at losing to you now seemed like a forgotten issue. Right now, the only thing on his mind was this new emotion.

After getting pestered by Recovery Girl about "being more careful" and getting his injuries checked out, he met up with Kirishima and the others.

"Hey man! You excited?" Kirishima asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Bakugou shrugged his hand off. "Tch whatever." He replied.

"Hey, where's (Y/n)?" Mina asked, "She can't miss her own award!"

"You should've come to see her with us!" Denki said "Did you know she's staying here with her brother? And she does all this cool mental stuff with her quirk."

"Why the hell would I care about something like that?" He snapped, "I've got better things to do than ask about some random extra's family."

There was no way he was going to tell them he snuck into your room. That would just lead to assumptions and prodding questions. Instead he lingered on what Denki had said. Bakugou had never thought about your family, why would he? But now he had an urge to know everything about you. He wanted to hear you talk about your life, hopes, passions, everything. He wanted to become lost in your voice as you spoke with that animated look on your face.

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