Chapter 15: First Date

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You were beginning to feel a bit cornered.

It seemed like a good idea at the time. You had never been on a date before, and had no idea what to wear, what to say, how to act. You figured at least one of the girls must have experience with this sort of thing, so you called an emergency meeting in your dorm.

Except now it was starting to look like an interrogation.


"Mina, keep your voice down!" You pleaded "I didn't know myself until recently, and then he asked me out, and... it just all happened so fast."

"I never would've expected Bakugou to be the romantic type, ribbit." Tsu said, rummaging through your closet.

"Right?" Hagakure replied "But it's so sweet that he asked you out! You two would be such a cute couple."

You lay down on your bed. "Isn't that getting a bit ahead of yourself? What if tonight goes terribly and he never wants to speak to me again?"

Uruaka held up a couple of dresses to your figure. "It won't, trust me. We'll help you get ready and everything."

You forced a smile and tried to calm your nerves. Your friends were right, there was no use in stressing about this. Sitting back up, you turned towards Mina. "So what do I do?

"Everything depends on where you're going. Did he say where he was taking you?"

"Kind of? He mentioned dinner and a movie, but wasn't super specific." You said "Honestly, I don't think he totally knew himself."

Momo pulled you up from the bed. "A movie is a nice idea." She said "Here, try these on." She handed you a bundle of clothes.

"You HAVE to wear a dress, something that will show off your curves!" Mina said "Hold on, I have the perfect thing in my closet."

She bolted out of your room. Everyone else was bustling around, pulling out different clothes and makeup. Pretty soon, your room was a complete mess. You'd normally be annoyed but knew they were only trying to help.

"So like, what do I talk about when I'm with him?" The girls turned to look at you.

"Just talk normally." Jirou replied "Just because you're on a date doesn't mean you have to act differently."

"Yeah, just be yourself!" Hagakure piped in.

"You know that's not helpful, right?" You chucked a pillow at her.

"Here, try this." Momo tilted your face towards her and began gently applying blush on your cheeks. Mina burst into the room, holding up a white floral dress.

"You need to wear this dress, it's perfect!" She ushered you into your bathroom to get changed. You had to admit, the dress was pretty cute. It had a sweetheart neckline that tied in the back with two ribbons. The fabric clung tight to your torso before releasing at the waist and flowing down just above your knees. You got changed and tentatively stepped out to the other girls.

There was a moment of quiet as they stared. You fiddled with your hair ties. "So...what do you think?" You finally asked.

Uruaka was the first to break the silence. "(Y/n), you look...I mean-"

"You're beautiful." Tsu completed her thought.

You blushed and avoided eyesight with them. Mina was looking at you with her jaw dropped, like she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Uh, I think you broke Mina." Hagakure said.

Mina slowly walked towards you, her eyes wide. She grasped your shoulders tightly.

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