Thunder Van

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/\/\ I know it comes before the change of art but I'm too lazy to make it make sense. Enjoy.

I was at the Thundermans house having lunch with them. In the last few weeks, they have become like a second family to me. Jace was stressed out for a few days when I told them my secret but calmed down when he realized that I was okay. Max, Phoebe, Nora, Billy, and I were sitting at the table enjoying our lunch. Well, the twins and I were on our phones the majority of the time. I was currently texting Noah.

"More salad, Bella?" Barb asked me while passing out salad to her kids. I was too invested in my phone to notice. "Bella? Bella?" My phone rang and picked up.

"Hello?" I say

"Mom wants to know if you want more salad," Max informed me. I glanced at Max who was talking to me on the phone.

"Why didn't she just ask me?" I asked and Barb used the food pliers to take my phone and put it on the table. "Sorry, I was just chirping my friends on Chirper."

"Ellie, you're confusing your mom," Max whispered to me.

"No, she's not. I chirp my friends all the time. We're all like, "Chirp, chirp, girlfriend!" Barb said and I smiled in amusement.

"See, Barb, Chirper is a social networking site," I explained and it became silent. Barb was still confused. "Let me backup. This is a cell phone." Suddenly, a horn honks from outside.

"Hey, I know that honk." Billy began and we all went outside. Outside was Hank with a huge black van with a 'T' on it. "The Thundervan!"

"Wow." I cooed.

"Yep. I got this old crime-fighting machine out of storage from Metroburg." Hank explained.

"Oh, yep. Your father and I chirped up a lot of memories in this swag wagon!" Barb exclaimed happily, kicking the air.

"Mom, don't." Nora shook her head.

"I gave this baby a new security system, and so the non-supes think it's a normal van, I got a state-of-the-art cloaking device," Hank explained and opened the car door and got out a sign that said "Hank's Fine Meats." He covered the Thunderman logo with it. "Eh?"

"Wow, Dad, where'd the Thundervan go?" Max sarcastically asked Hank. I chuckled at his statement.

"Come on, let's go for a ride." Billy beamed and he and Nora went up to the van but Hank stopped them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. The Thunder Van is full of dangerous weapons and gadgets." Hank informed his children.

Max began to snicker and rub his hands together. "Yeah!"

Hank mimicked his sons' actions. "No! This van is off limits to you kids. I only brought it home so Phoebe and Bella could start her next level of superhero training."

"Wait, for real?" Phoebe stepped up, enthusiastically.

"I thought Thundervan training started next year." I say

"Hero University is offering an early admissions test. if you ace it, you could be a full supe before Max could grow a mustache." Hank informed us and I let out a laugh at Max.

"Hey! Maxstache is coming in!" Max defended himself, rubbing his baby face.

"Where?" I asked with a grin. Max gave me a glare in response.

"Just think, Phoebe, Bella. You guys could drop the normal teen acts and be who you were born to be." Hank told us.

"I'll tell you where I was born to be, the driver's seat of that meat wagon. Give me the keys, Hanko!" Max enthusiastically exclaimed to his dad with his hands out.

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