lxi 🃏

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"SO... for this reading, what would you like to focus on? Career, love life or general future?" Madame Verity asked as she slipped onto her seat, a glass orb presented in the middle of the circular table.
"I would like a reading on my love life please." The boy replied. Changbin was curious as to how his relationship with Felix was going, especially with all of the drama, doubt and hurt.

"Of course my dear. What is your birthday?"
"August 11."
"Mhm... a Leo, I had a hunch. Pick three cards from the pile in front of you." Changbin raised a brow and he almost had a heart attack when suddenly a deck of cards had somehow appeared on the table.
"H-how-" He stammered as he widened his eyes.
"Please pick 3 cards." The boy nodded and he closed his eyes, and when he had the urge, he pulled a card from the deck.

"Now give them to me and we will discuss whatever the cards have decided to discuss." Changbin nodded and he waited in anticipation as the psychic placed the cards onto the table. "These aren't your typical oracle cards my dear, they're my own special cards. You won't be able to have a reading like this anywhere." With one of her extremely sharp nails, she pierced through one of Changbin's cards and she placed it, flipped over, in front of him.

"First card: The Servant. You clearly are a very giving person and you always give 110% in your relationship. You put all of this effort but I can tell you feel like you're not appreciated enough."
Changbin gulped and allowed the woman to continue.

"If you received The Worker card, it would suggest you do feel like you receive what you give but in this particular case, you have The Servant card. What I'm saying, does this have any sort of value to you? In your relationship, are you the one who always plans the dates, helps the other even when it's not necessary just to be pushed away and ignored?"

Changbin jaw dropped and he wouldn't speak. All that escaped was a little squeak that emitted from his throat. "Will I continue to feel like The Servant?"
"Let's see if your other two cards will say anything about it." The boy sunk is his chair and he clawed the table cloth as he watched Madame Verity once again, stab her talon into another of Changbin's cards.

"Second card: The Fire and Ashes."
The Korean didn't like the sound of that.

"The Fire and Ashes card, interesting. It tells me in your case that you will face some major hardships in your relationship. It will become strained, tiresome and possibly unbearable. Pain, hurt and anger will grow in the heart and this will go on for an extended period of time. You won't know what to do until the Fire has been out and all you have are Ashes."

The boy once more sunk further in his chair and sighed. "I thought you said you wouldn't tell me 'every little bad thing' that was going to happen to me." Changbin frowned. "I was taking more on specific, besides it really depends on the person. Changbin, do you see any current cracks in your relationship that you think can break the dam that is your relationship with Felix?"

Changbin sighed to himself and he almost felt like bursting into tears and just rant on and on about everything that was going through his mind. He didn't want his relationship with Felix to be anything but perfect but it was so obvious at how flawed it was overall.

"Felix's father has put a lot of pressure on him and ever since he arrived here, I can tell that Felix and I are growing apart... sometimes it feels like we're not in the same story anymore and that we're just sort of floating together. It doesn't even feel like... like- like a relationship..." Changbin choked on his tears and he was even surprised he was brave enough to admit it, especially to a stranger.

"I want it to work but I often feel like I don't matter to him anymore and that I'm not good enough for his father's expectations. It's just... not... it's not how it should be. I want to feel noticed by Felix but I'm starting to become a sort of afterthought.

There's been multiple instances where he forgets about our dates, he chooses to spend time with his friends a lot more often and as I try to be affectionate, he pushes me away.

We often have nights where we get hella drunk and then have sex and then in the morning it's all the same again. I don't- I really don't know..."

Madame Verity looked to the boy and gave a pitiful expression. "I see... you're so strong Changbin, find something to release your incredible power you're gifted. You're made so much better to spread your gifts with the world rather than moping about. You've been given so many blessings, use them and end the Fire."

Changbin smiled to the woman and eyes the last card, showing he wanted to see what else he had in store for. "Last card... The Bird." Madame Verity gave the piece of paper a quizzical look and then another to the boy.
"Is something the matter, Madame Verity?"
"Yes... and no.

The Bird card will usually show me a certain bird, depending on the person and situation but in this case, everytime I shift the card, the bird changes and I have no idea what it means... it's an interpretation card. I'm guessing it means you'll have to find the meaning for yourself, Seo."

The boy frowned and he held the card in his hands, being extremely shocked that the drawing of the bird kept changing no matter what. "It may be a bird that doesn't even exist or 'The Ones' are waiting for you to find the right Bird that will come to you."

Changbin nodded and he adjusted his posture once he saw Madame Verity shifting the glass orb in front of him. "We've made it to the end of the reading... now tell me what you see in this orb." Changbin looked down and he wasn't shocked as he saw his own reflection.

"You're on thin ice... you know it's wrong but you continue to skate." Changbin jumped back once he saw himself in the orb skating on a frozen lake. It wasn't a memory of his, he had never gone skating before but he could see it so clearly. "The ice starts to crack and melt, but you don't care because all you want to do is skate, you feel like you have to skate no matter the circumstance. But the lake is no longer frozen and you slowly and surely drown..."

Changbin was absolutely horrified as he saw himself in the orb sinking and disappearing into the lake.

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