EiMiko (vampire au/fluffy)

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Vampires, witches, werewolves, and every other fantasy you can think of exist. Humans, who hate monsters till they die, despise all of them; if they see a child that is a monster, they will not hesitate to kill it.

This is a war between mortals and monsters, but not all monsters work together, especially vampires and werewolves, who are battling.


There is a village, a small one, where a woman named Yae Miko lives, who is skilled at curing people with her knowledge of medicine, and some in the Church suspect her of being a witch. They can't help but suspect her because there is no mere person who understands so much about medicines.

"Miko, this boy came, claiming he tripped and injured his knee."

"Oh, thank you very much, Kokomi," Miko remarked. Kokomi, her only friend and greatest supporter since they were kids, is the only one who knows Miko's secret, and that is... Miko is a witch.

"I-it hurts," the boy cries. Miko approaches the boy who is crying, knelt down, and tells him to take a seat, which he does. Miko smiled and said, "I'll give you sweets if you stop crying." The child quickly stopped sobbing, but little sobs could still be heard. She then proceeded to treat his scraped knee, first washing it with a damp towel and removing the blood from his knee, then using an antibiotic ointment to help the wound heal quickly, and finally applying a bandage to prevent the wound from becoming infected.

"It's done, make sure your wound is constantly covered with a bandage, okay? Don't let it become infected," Miko remarked as she handed the youngster the promised sweets. She patted the boy on the head, and he left after thanking Miko.

"The village chief is still watching you; are you sure you want to keep doing this work? It might not be long before he finds it out," Kokomi asked. "I know that," Miko sighed, "but I can't just ignore the people who are sick or hurt."

"I know you like to help, Miko, but this might cost you your life," Kokomi said worriedly. Of course she would be concerned, for if the village finds out Miko is a witch, they would undoubtedly attack her and burn her to ashes.

"And I would still gladly help the people of this village even if it meant losing my life," Miko said. "I promised my mother that even when I'm a witch, I'll still help people," she continued.

"Gosh, your stubbornness," Kokomi sighed. "Remember, if something happens, please come to me right away; I will not hesitate to help you," she urged. "Thank you, Kokomi," Miko said with a smile.

They have lived in this village since they were born; their mothers were long-time friends, which is how Miko and Kokomi became childhood friends; they were together through their ups and downs; Kokomi was there for her friend when her friend lost her mother in an accident; Miko had already lost her father before she was born, and her mother died when she was 13 years old. Even though she knows her friend is a witch, Kokomi can't help but take better care of her. Miko, like her mother, is sweet and always willing to help.

A day passed, and a knock came on Miko's door. She was annoyed since she was not a morning person. She approached the door and opened it, and was greeted by the village chief, who was accompanied by the Church's head priest and two soldiers.

"What appears to be the problem, chief?" Miko yawned. "It's early in the morning, and you just disturbed my good sleep," she went on.

"Well, I apologize for disturbing your sleep, but we need to check your house since we received a report that you were doing unusual things at night," the chief explained. "Oh? What was I doing last night, care to tell me?" Miko questioned, refusing to allow them enter her home. "The only thing the person who reported mentioned was that you were doing unusual things," the priest explained. "That's not a fair enough reason to break into my house; you're invading my privacy," Miko said.

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