Shenlan (modern au)

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Yelan's POV

I have a best friend named Shenhe. She is a tall woman with a fair complexion. She has long hair that resembles a snowfall and has a light blue tint to it. She was beautiful, and I'm still admiring her... from afar. Well, she is my friend, but of course, she doesn't know these feelings of mine. She's not that talkative, but whenever she is... my heart just melts by the sight of it, especially when she smiles (well, usually she just wears a straight face, so it is rare for her to smile).

I'm Yelan, Shenhe's only friend. We first met at a bar when I was wasted after getting dumped by my ex-girlfriend, Ningguang. Well, technically I just forced myself on her. I think she only agreed to be my girlfriend because she felt pity for me, but I don't have any grudge against her. I'm still friends with her and we're on good terms. I am actually pretty glad that she found herself a lover, a great one.

I was wasted at the bar counter and she just happened to be her, she was the one who approached me first with concern in her eyes. I first actually insisted that I was fine but she was stubborn and won't leave me alone, then the next thing I knew, when I woke up I'm in a different place, which is...her place. I was actually shocked by it and I thought I slept with her... like you know, had sex with her. But to my relief, we didn't. 

After that day, we grew closer and we became friends, and after weeks on being her friend. I can't help but to fall for her, she's just this so... absolutely breathtaking. The way she talks it makes me calm, her every single small actions I notice it and sometimes I think it's cute. For example, when she doesn't like vegetables but she still eats it despite she hates them, she said her mom forced her to eat it so she can be healthy.

It's funny to look at her face with disgust as she eats some vegetables. Well, moving on from the past. It's been almost a year since I've been friends with her, but still... I still hadn't made any moves on her, like flirting or something. But I do show her my care for her, like literally every day. She's reckless. She always likes to fight whenever someone is trying to be rude to me, and every time someone is trying to be rude to me, I'm always calming her down. She has really bad anger issues.

I'm right now at my office, thinking of her... again. I can't help but to think about her. I wonder what she's doing right now. She works as a professor at some insanely famous college. I can't help but to get worried when some other professors are trying to pursue her, court her, and get her to date them. I really want to hire her here at my own company, but... I don't know what to say as a reason.

Eugh, everyday it gives me a headache

My thoughts were disturbed by a phone call. I sighed and looked at who was calling me... and it was no other than my favorite person in the world, Shenhe.

I answered it.

"Hello, dear. What made you call me at this time?"

I always like to call her dear... but she thinks I do that to everyone.

"Can you pick me up...for lunch? I really don't want to go to lunch with the professors here, "


"Why, of course, dear," I said as I looked at my wrist watch. "I'll pick you up at exactly 12; I'll wait at the school entrance; see you there," I said as I hung up on the call.

See what I mean? Everyday is a headache when the other professors keep hitting on her and don't know when to fucking stop.

I looked back to my computer and did everything I had to do before lunch hit. I need to finish all of this so that later all of my free time will be hers. I mean... I can wait at her school... just so you know, keep an eye on her. I have enough with those bastards trying to hit on her.

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