YanTao (angst)

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This has nothing to do with Genshin's genuine lore. Again, this is only a fan fiction; whatever I modified about the lore within the game, please don't mistake it for the true original plot.

Liyue Harbor is the same as it has always been, people noise spreads throughout the crowd, children's laughing can be heard all over the streets, after all, the Lantern Rite is approaching, and it is the festival for which they are all waiting.

Unfortunately, there is someone who is disturbing (inadvertently) the people of Liyue, and that person is none other than the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral; let's just say she's a troublemaker who is constantly pulling pranks on everyone! And everyone thinks she's a complete weirdo since she used to sleep in coffins. They do know, however, that she takes her work as the director of the Wangsheng Funeral seriously; at such a young age, she inherited such an important duty after her grandfather died. What they don't know is that she walks the line between life and death.

"I respect you so much, Mr. Zhongli, but I can't just... go along with you and your director's advertisement about a funeral; I'm not dying, and no one in my family is dying," the guy sighed.

"I apologize for bothering you, Mr. Wu," Zhongli said, gently bowing to the agitated man. "Better leave, Mr. Zhongli, and Ms. Hu Tao, before the Millelith soldiers arrive; we don't want them to fine you again, do we?" he asked.

"Ah, yes, we'll leave, Mr. Wu; please enjoy your day," Zhongli replied as he lead the director away.

"Director Hu, as much as I want to promote our business, we can't conduct this type of marketing or advertising," Zhongli explained. "Let's dine at Xiangling's restaurant and we can discuss it there," the director sighed in defeat.

They arrived to the Wanmin Restaurant, where Xiangling makes the most wonderful cuisine in all of Liyue and where many people desire to dine.

They took a seat at one of the available tables and ordered their favorite food.

"You seemed gloomy today, Director Hu, which is unexpected given that you normally play pranks on me or anybody else," Xiangling giggled as she handed them their food.

"We're just experiencing some issues at the parlor," Zhongli chuckled. "We don't know of any marketing or advertising to promote our business," he added.

"I see, well, to be honest, I can't think of any promotion either, promoting your funeral parlor would upset people, they'll believe you're expecting them to die soon," Xiangling chuckled, and the director ate her food quietly.

"Just wait until their time comes, after all, death is unexpected," Xiangling said. "Now, if you will excuse me, I still have customers to serve, enjoy your lunch, Mr. Zhongli and Director Hu," she smiled and left.

"You seemed different, Director; is there another reason why you appear so... pale?" Zhongli inquired. "I'm thinking it's not because of our failed promotion services in the parlor," he said.

"I'm... fine, Zhongli, just exhausted," the director smiled. "Eat your meal before it gets cold," she said.

"Is that so, but you truly look pale, Director, let's go back to the parlor so you can rest," Zhongli said. "I'm extremely fin-"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Zhongli, and.... Hu Tao that looks like she's going to die," the woman worriedly said as she looked at the pale director.

"Ah, Yanfei," Zhongli said with a smile. "Why does... this director look dead? Isn't she normally cheerful and loud most of the time?" Yanfei inquired.

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