Arlecchino x Columbina

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Snezhnaya, one of Teyvat's seven nations. It is a winter storm-prone region. Many folks claimed that if they didn't keep moving outside, they would actually freeze to death. But not for a certain person, Arlecchino. She was well-known in Snezhnaya, and many feared her name; her code name was "The Knave." No one dared to speak ill of her since it may be their last day on Teyvat.

Arlecchino has the strength of thousands of men; she can single-handedly take out a group of men; don't underestimate her, or it will be the end of your life.

It was a regular day in Snezhnaya, at least for Arlecchino, whose daily routine is to eat in the morning, put on her usual clothing, and then putting on a luxury outfit, a suit inside and a long white coat with black fur in the collar. Many people recognized this attire and would keep their mouths shut if they spotted someone wearing it.

It was a normal day until she got a letter from the Tsaritsa. She clenched her teeth.

I thought I had said that I don't want to be involved with them.

She cut open the letter with her dagger and began reading it.

Greetings, Knave. This is a letter from Her Excellency, Tsaritsa. You've been summoned to the Zapolyarny Palace to discuss some personal matters.

Arlecchino crumpled the paper and threw it in the garbage. Enraged by the letter, she threw all of her daggers across the room, destroying everything, even the vases.

She put on her coat and walked outside her house to the Palace.

Personal matters my ass.


When she arrived at the palace later, the floor was covered in ice, as did everything. It was extremely cold; any ordinary mortal would die from frostbite.

There was a long table in the middle, with the Tsaritsa and her other trustworthy servants.

She bowed slightly and looked the Tsaritsa in the eyes.

"Welcome to the Palace, Arlecchino," the Tsaritsa spoke.

"I thought I had said that I don't want to get involved with any of you," Arlecchino said. "You broke our promise,"

"This is the last time, Knave," she said. "You see, I have found a cute little dove, she's not that fragile as you think, in fact, she's dangerous, but the looks from outside, she looks fragile and a petite woman,"

"And what exactly do you want?"

"I'd like you to act as her bodyguard while my fellow servants here perform their duties around the nation; we've been losing many.... political agreements on our country, and it will have a negative impact on us,"

"Hah, a bodyguard?" mocked Arlecchino.

"Watch your words," Pierro warned.

"Silence," Tsaritsa said. "I didn't give you permission to talk,"

"Yes, Your Excellency, I sincerely apologize for my disrespectful behavior."

"As I said, act as her bodyguard for three weeks," she said.

"And what will I get in exchange?"

"Your freedom, you're now free to leave this nation; you may return and leave again; all I ask is that you be her bodyguard for three weeks," the Tsaritsa grinned.

Arlecchino wrinkled her brow at the deal. It was too good to be true, she thought. But she knows that the Tsaritsa would never break her promises.

"And where is this little dove of yours," Arlecchino sighed. "Your Excellency, you had best keep your word."

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