EiMiko (modern college au | nsfw | fluffy)

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Miko's POV

I saw a person, a person who shines so beautifully without doing anything, simply sitting in the cafe's corner, appearing effortlessly gorgeous. I first saw her three weeks ago, at the start of the school year. On the first day, I was exhausted and went to relax at a nearby cafe, it is where I saw her.

Her look is that of a woman with dark purple hair braided into a long braid. She has beautiful purple eyes, similar to the amethyst gemstone, and a beauty mark beneath her right eye. She also has crimson eyeliner.

She looks to be young, in my view.

It's been three weeks since I've seen her here, and as usual, she buys herself coffee, no milk, but extremely excessive additional sugar, I suppose she loves sweets. She's always here in the afternoon, around 5 p.m., when our lessons end. She comes at the café almost every day.

She gets home around 7 p.m., wow, I sound like a stalker, but I can't help myself; she truly caught my eye, and I'm still hesitant to approach her. I decided to talk to her one time, but her friend approached her, which surprised me because I had usually seen her alone, so seeing her with someone was new to me.

It's now 7 p.m. and she's fixing her table; she's placed her laptop in her bag and walked away; I can't even chase her since she doesn't know who I am. I went home after she left since there was nothing else to do.


I'm at my class right now, physics class to be specific, which was a boring lesson because I'm not interested in physics and stuff. I'm just interested in books, novels, and anything else linked to literature, oh! And, of course, there's food!

"Spacing out again, Miko?" chuckled my seatmate. Let me introduce you to my childhood friend, Sangonomiya Kokomi. She comes from a wealthy family, which I am know of. She loves books as much as I do, and we even write them for ourselves. Let's just say she knows everything about me, even how gay I am, and what I'm doing in the afternoon in a nearby café, looking at the most beautiful woman in the world.

"I suppose so," I muttered. "Don't let the Professor see you spacing out, or you'll embarrass yourself again," she giggled quietly, and I just did as she said.

Come on, I did my best to pay attention in class.


Our homeroom teacher stepped inside the room after the physics class and announced something. It's about a new PE professor who would be coming later; well, PE is my subject later. I didn't care anyways.

It's lunchtime, and as usual, I'll have my bento ready with fried tofu! After all, it's my favorite. You won't be able to stop me from eating this.

And, as usual, Kokomi has a favorite food: bird egg sushi. I'm not sure whether that's a lunch food, but well, we all have our preferences.

"I'm surprised your girlfriend isn't with us," I said. Yes, Kokomi has a girlfriend; in fact, I jokingly referred to her as a traitor because she left me in the single phase.

"She has basketball practice with Yoimiya and the others, and she said she'd walk me home later," she said, chewing on her food. "How about you? Are you doing well with your stalking?" she said, chuckling.

"Hey, you know it's not stalking," I defended myself. Well it's not really stalking, is it? Wait.... Is it?

"Just talk to her, you've been there for three weeks and haven't made any progress!" she said. "It's hard, she seems so busy, and I just can't approach her and say hello, isn't it odd?" I questioned.

"How on earth are you going to go near to her without saying hello? Are you stupid?" she groaned. I suppose I'm an idiot when it comes to these things.

"You never know, she could be interested in you if you talked to her," smirked Kokomi. "Stop talking nonsense," I grumbled.

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