Beiguang (modern au) (fluffy/nsfw)

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Ningguang, the CEO of the renowned Jade Chamber, believed that nothing could stand in her way and that business would be simple. But that thought was shattered by a certain foe, the Crux.

They had been fighting for years to show who is the largest company in all of Liyue, their companies were known for the magnificent jewelries and unique products from all over the world, but this year, the Jade Chamber was beaten and recognized as the second largest, while the Crux was ranked first.

Ningguang was devastated by the shocking news, but she is not the sort of woman who gives up easily, especially when it comes to her childhood friend, Beidou, the owner of the Crux.

They were long-time friends until they became enemies, which is absurd because their friendship was only ruined by fighting over who had the greatest and largest company in Liyue.

However, they will sometimes speak with each other, much as they did when they were younger.

"I thought I clearly said the  noctilucous jades should be delivered at the harbor by now, why on earth did I received a news that it's delayed?!"Ningguang whisper-shouted at the poor secretary who's terribly trembling in fear by the rage of her CEO.

"I thought I specifically said that the noctilucous jades should be delivered to the harbor by now, why on earth did I hear a word that it's delayed?!" Ningguang whisper-shouted at the poor secretary, who was shaking in fear due to her CEO's fury.

People outside Ningguang's personal working quarters heard her whisper-shout and shuddered in horror, fearful that her rage might pour out on them.

"Is that sure? I don't want any more delays, this is our only weapon to trample over the Crux," Ningguang sighed.

"Y-yes, Lady Ningguang," Baishi said, "the news about the noctilucous jades is still hidden, so there's no way the Crux will know about the rare material."

"Make sure there are no problems, Baishi, or you will be removed from your post," Ningguang warned sternly. "Dismissed, I don't want anyone bothering me for the time being," she remarked, and the secretary from Ningguang's office swiftly left.

She was going over some paperwork and signing it when her phone rang. She glanced to see who was calling, and it was none other than the person she despises and loves the most, but nothing would stand in her way, even if it was love, business is her number one priority.

"Hello, Lady Ningguang," the voice said cheerfully and playfully.

"Why are you calling, Beidou? I'm already busy; if you have nothing important to say, let's end the call,"

"So cranky early in the morning, Ningguang, but this is important, so hear me out, okay?" Beidou chuckled.

"And what would be so important about interfering with my precious time?"

"A dinner with me, I mean, a dinner date," Beidou giggled. 

"Are you simply going to brag about your company being ranked number one? If so, I'll have to decline since I have far more important things to do," Ningguang snarled.

"Well, part of it, yes, but I also wanted to have dinner with you; you deserve some sort of reward for still being number two, right?" Beidou laughed.

Ningguang exhaled a sigh. "I don't have time to celebrate such a thing, Beidou, and please don't bother me again," she says.

"Just for tonight, please?" 

She can't resist Beidou when she's begging like this; in fact, she wants she could see more Beidou begs at her.

"Time and place," 

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