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Arkham Asylum 

The Full moon was at its apex shining a light at the top of the building on Arkham Island. 

Jericho chuckled picking himself up looking around the improvised gladiator arena, bodies laying around. "What a mess."

Batgirl  was massaging her right arm. "No kidding."

They both stared into each others eyes, having been lost in the moment. Gordon was out cold following the electric shocks caused by the knocked out Joker so they wouldn't worry about him catching them.

Barbara  Gordon: If there's one thing I learned is that Love Kills. Do I love him? Was there a choice? The past is a gaping hole. The more you run, the deeper it grows until it gnaws at your heels. The only chance you have is to face it head on. But it's like looking down to the grave of your love or kissing the mouth of the gun, trembling at its dark nest, ready to blow your lead off.

The two lovers on the opposite sides of justice shared a passionate kiss.


5 years ago

Gotham General.

Barbara Gordon: When I woke up in the Hospital after Joker shot me and Barbara in her own apartment five years ago, I thought to myself that was it. My late night activities as Batgirl was over. No more making white lies to my father who is the Police Commissioner of GCPD. No more running off the rooftops. No more Batgirl. How Ironic. My constant worries that I might be found as Batgirl but instead Joker shot me because I'm the Commissioner's daughter.

Jim Gordon was talking to his daughter's doctor regarding the extent of her injuries caused by the clown. Barbara was sleeping in her room, pumped up with sedatives to ease her pain. "Doctor, I haven't  night, so please tell me that you have some good news."

"Well, lucky for you, I have,Commissioner Gordon." Doctor Nash told him. "The bullet that the Joker shot your daughter with, narrowly missed the spinal cord. She should count herself lucky, she would've been paralyzed from the waist down."

Jim didn't know whether to jump for joy or choking the life out of the doctor. But he restrained himself, for her sake. " And there are no damages to the other organs?"

"No. But I recommend that she should be in a wheel chair for few months just to make sure that she doesn't cause any permanent damage to the spinal cord. And with the recommended  rehabilitation training and proper rest, she should make a full recovery."

Best news he's had all day. "Thank God."

Barbara groggily opened her eyes, her body feeling like she went 10 rounds with Muhammad Ali as she looked around the hospital room she was staying in.

Barbara Gordon: I was hurt. My Body wracked in pain. And then I remembered why I was lying in bed: everything that happened in my Apartment. The photos. The Sociopathic laughter. The shot. His words echoing in my head like a broken recorder.

Joker: Come on, show a little spine.

"Barb!" Gordon rushed in to the room once he saw his little girl all awake. "You ok, sweetie?"

Barbara struggled to make a complete sentence recalling everything in vivid past. "I-I remember. O-oh god, I remember." She started to sob.

His heart breaking, Gordon could only comfort her by hugging, soothing her pain temporary. "It's gonna be alright."

It wasn't gonna be alright.


Present day.

12 hours earlier.

Barbara Gordon: A false start. The hospital room wasn't the beginning, rather the middle. A reminder of what had occurred. A point of no return event. After my near death experience with the Joker, Dad was even more protective than usual. He wanted to know where I was at all times. I put my foot down telling him that there is a difference of protective and controlling. Realizing that, he gave me some leniency. Luckily it didn't hinder with my other job.

"All units. Situation in the Gotham City Hall has been resolved. The Joker has been apprehended. Batgirl is is now en route to Arkham Island."

It was a rainy day in Gotham, the city of corruption. The one with the highest death rate in the states. It has a lot of rainy days especially in the Halloween season. And unfortunately for citizens of Gotham, the Joker, the Clown prince of Crime found the perfect day which was All Hallow's eve to invade Mayor Garcia's office, killing some of his staff members and hold him hostage for two hours until Batgirl intervened, filling in for Batman who was on a JL Mission in space.  

As Batgirl made her way to the Arkham Island  from the main land  with Joker  in handcuffs at the passenger's seat at a customized Chevy Impala, courtesy of her ex assassin Boyfriend, She thought about the events that occurred in the City Hall. Even though she didn't say it loud, something was off about this capture. He surrendered almost immediately.

"Stay back, fool! I got a bomb!" Joker exclaimed. "Can you believe how easily that old fool fell for that?!" The Clown Prince giggled to the agitation of the Oracle of Gotham as they drove past the sign on the road.

Barbara Gordon: It was supposed to be simple. Send him back to Arkham and hopefully make it back home just in time for dinner but yet, something was off. Way off and I was about to find out the hard way.

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