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Arkham Asylum

Pacification Room.

Entering the hallway of the pacification room, Batgirl met up with some of the guards trying to diffuse a situation that's gotten out of hand.

"What's happening?" Batgirl asked one of the guards who let out a sigh of relief upon seeing the heroine.

"It's Zsasz, he's got Mike. he's strapped to a chair, Zsasz has totally lost it."

Barbara Gordon: Victor Zsasz. He's what Bruce could've been if he was consumed by the darkness surrounding Gotham. A billionaire playboy who lost his parents in a boating accident, gambled away all his money to the Penguin and in a moment of insanity found his true purpose: A killer. Consumed by marking his body with each kill he makes, he's become somewhat a perverted messiah, determined to liberate people from a pointless existence. His words.

"Wait here. I'll go rescue him." She instructed the guard that was talking to her.

"You can't. He'll kill Mike if he sees anyone get close."


Zsasz was looking around the room to make sure that no one would risk while Mike was trying to break free from his restraints while being strapped to a chair. "If I see anything that resemble a teeny tiny bat, this guard dies. Do you hear me?!" He pressed the remote control he had in his hand to give the 7 year veteran guard a shock, just to get the message across. the Former billionaire laughed in delight before being suddenly struck down to the cold floor by a Batgirl who had gone up top and use the gargoyles to gain the tactical advantage on him. Knowing that he won't stay down for long, Batgirl swiped his feet off and kicked the side of Zsasz's head, rendering him out cold.

"And the crowd goes wild." Batgirl muttered, she went to free Mike from the chair he was confided too. "You ok, Mike?"

"Never better. thanks." Mike thanked the redhead as she spotted Harley Quinn sporting a nurse outfit adjusting the camera from a security room on a computer center not far from where she was.

Barbara: Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn. A former Arkham psychiatrist who had a severe case of mad love when she turned into a life of crime as Joker's lover. Unfortunately for her, it's a one way street as she had to endure endless abuse and neglect from her 'puddin'.

"Oh hiya, B-girl! Harley Quinn here. How do you like my new uniform? Pretty hot, huh?" She twirled around while presenting herself in an eligible. Batgirl narrowed her eyes at Joker's girlfriend. Harley was a lot of things but hot wasn't even the word she would use to describe her... daring clothing.

"Oh, I've got something to show you. One second, B-girl." Harley left to retrieve something or someone in this chase which was Quincy Sharp, the warden of Arkham Asylum. He was strapped to a chair while having a duct tape applied to his mouth to keep him shut. This just got from bad to worse.

"I'm now subbing for the old man." Harley purred. The warden looked out of place and very uncomfortable. "Old Sharpie's never been happier! In case ya ain't figured it out, today's the Joker's big homecoming and you're the guest of honor."

"You have one chance to surrender, Harleen." Batgirl demanded.

"Tempting, but no dice. Now the inmates are running the Asylum. Well, technically they're Joker's goons shipped in from Blackgate, but you get the idea. Bye bye for now!" Harley used the cane she stole from the Warden to knock the camera away, the screens turning into statics as the feed ended abruptly.


Yet another thing to worry about. Batgirl sighed while thinking about the situation at hand. First Joker's free now Warden's being taken as a hostage. What else could happen right now that would make the situation possibly worse than it already is?

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