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After getting her father off the island and to safety, Batgirl contacted her information broker as Jericho joined her. She wanted to know more about the Gotham U graduate and how she was connected to Joker. Based on her boiler room brawl with Bane, it wasn't good. "Prophet, hack into the city records and pull up every file you can find  on Dr. Young.  I'll go through everything you had found once I'm at the Bathouse."

"A Bathouse on the Island?!" Prophet screeched in surprise.

"I built it during my rehabilitation some time ago, thought it best to plan ahead in situations like this." Batgirl informed him.

"You're starting to become more like Bruce, ya know that, Boss lady?" Prophet pointed it out.

Batgirl smiled. Well, nothing speaks volumes then try to emulate from your heroes. "I learned from the best."

"Right." Prophet replied. "So do you think Dr Young has been experimenting with whatever compound that turns Bane into that freakazoid you fought earlier?"

Batgirl nodded. "Yes and it has me worried. Bane was a lot stronger  than normal. Joker wants it and that can only spell trouble. I'm heading to Elizabeth's Fall at Arkham East. I'll contact you once I'm at the Bathouse."

She ended the transmission and turned her attention to the Son of the Demon's head. "What brings you here?"

Jericho shrugged. "Was in the Cauldron when I heard about Joker's escape. Prophet filled in the blanks. Thought I'd lend a hand for my beloved." Jericho leaned in for a kiss but Batgirl backed away leaving him confused.

"Not Now. We got a job to do." Batgirl cautioned. Jericho respected her wishes with a nod as they went to Arkham East. Business now, pleasure later.

Barbara Gordon: Our love affair was gonna have to wait.


Arkham East.

Barbara Gordon: The Asylum was originally a family home owned by Jeremiah Arkham who turned it into a psychiatric home for the mentally iII after the death of his mother Elizabeth Arkham who suffered from dementia at the beginning of the 20th Century. Funny. If only Jeremiah were still around to see some of the most horrid patients at the place he once lived at, he would've died from a heart attack. With all due respect of course.

"What's the deal with Elizabeth's Fall? It's the place where Jeremiah Arkham's mother committed suicide by nose diving into Gotham river after having suffered from mental health issues her whole life." Prophet said, referring to the asylum's origin story as Batgirl and Jericho made it to Elizabeth's Fall which was a river fall outside the Arkham Mansion.

Batgirl nodded, fully aware of the tragic backstory behind the Asylum. "I know. After I got medically cleared to return to the field, I rescued a schizophrenic patient from suffering the same fate. There I discovered an unknown cave off shore by accident. I talked Bruce into setting it a second base there for emergency situations. It's a home away from home."

She took a deep breath before leaping off the ledge, free falling for several seconds before using her cape to land on the surface. Jericho joined up with her not soon after having used boosters in his boots to control his landing. She pressed a button on her right gauntlet and a sub in shape of a bat appeared from water.

"Damn. Is that yours?" Jericho marveled at the sleek design.

"I'm borrowing it." Batgirl replied as she hopped into the driver's seat, Jericho followed suit in the passenger's seat. She took off heading to the bat house not far from Arkham Island.



Jumping out of the batboat, Batgirl and Jericho arrived at the Bathouse waiting for the security to recognize her at the front door.

Batgirl: Arkham AsylumWhere stories live. Discover now