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Holding Cells.

Barbara Gordon: After cancelling my 'session' and placing Scarecrow in a holding cell, I went back to where I was before taking a time wasting detour which was setting up a crime scene at the control room to find a trail that would lead me to my father and Harley Quinn. It suddenly dawned on me that i should've gotten my head back in the game sooner than I'd hoped. But it's too late for that now.

She initialized the detective mode in her cowl to set up a virtual crime scene and began searching the room for clues.

"So how did it go during the session with Dr. Crane? Did you make any progress or were you just simply bored out of your mind? I mean why bother spend thousands of dollars on seeing a shrink when all you can do is watch some videos on YouTube about finding happiness. "

Ignoring Joker's tease about her encounter with the Master of Terror, She spotted a used flask with the intitals F.B. Boles must've dropped his flask while handing her father over to Harley. That was sloppy. She can scan the flask via the forensic scanner and follow traces of alcohol from Frank's burbon in the atmosphere.

With cautious hope, She left the holding cells folllowing the alcohol traces to the secure transit. She saw one of the guards trying to use the panel to call for the elevator.

"How did Joker get free?" The guard inquired. Batgirl didn't have the time to answer his question as she politely shushed him looking up to see the alcohol traces leading upstairs. Her father was taken to the surface through the elevator.

Before she could request the guard to call for the elevator, Harley Quinn made an surprise appearance.

"AH AH AH, B-Girl! Mistah J doesn't wanna you follow us just yet!" Harley chided before pressing a button with her thumb down on a remote detonator, setting a bomb placed on the cables. the cables were destroyed and The Elevator was descending down to the lower levels at an alarming pace.

"Get down!" Batgirl pushed the guard away as he got a little too close for comfort before leaping out of the way as the Elevator came crashing down. Shelding her eyes from the sparks with her forearm that emitted from the now destroyed elevator, Batgirl checked herself to see some stratches on her customized Nomex suit that was given to her from Lucius last Christmas. Her old suit was keep getting damaged and she wanted to have something that would be somewhat resistant to tear.

She looked around the transit to see Harley was not here any longer while the guard was recuprating. Must've escaped while Batgirl was resucing the guard from one of her death traps.

She pressed the left side of her cowl to inform Prophet of the troubling devloplements. "Prophet, we have another problem."




Shawna Anderson or Prophet as she gave the codename himself when He joined Bat family a few years was sitting on his chair, typing furiously on the keyboard when Batgirl came through the radio feed.

"What now?" Prophet groaned. "Is it Two Face or that short Mad hattning, nursery rhyming, wonderland Creep Jervis? I swear, I'll rather go to Star city than deal with him again."

Batgirl chuckled remembering her unfortnate encounter with the Mad Hatter some time ago. It was hilarious. "Nothing of that sort. Commissioner Gordon's been taken by Joker."

She did not see that coming. "What?! How?!"

"An Arkham Guard by the name of Frank Boles knocked him out at the holding cells and handed him over to Joker's girlfriend. I used the forensic scanner to pick up his trail that reeks of bourbon from his flask he dropped at the control room. Then Harley Quinn tried to slow me down. Dropped a elevator on me."

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