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10 minutes later.

Arkham East

Max Payne was crouching down on a guard tower as a couple of Joker's mens armed with rifles was searching the area for any guard they might have missed. Soon after getting Cash to escort the good doctor to her office at Arkham Mansion, he took cover.

"Look alive, boys!" One of the inmates said. "The Boss wants us to find every guard that we come across and waste them!"

As the ex NYPD cop dropped his head even further in cover, he unintentionally made a sound by colliding with a desk, alerting the inmates. "Who was that? I thought I heard something."


"Up there!" The inmate who heard the noise nudged his head to the tower, which was not what Max wanted. "Up there!"

"Alright! Alright! Quit your whining!" One of the other inmates shot two of the legs causing the tower to crumble due to the weight being too much for weakened foundations of the tower. And to Max's bad luck it revealed his location to the inmates. "That's one of the guards! Shoot him!"

"God Damnit!" Max hissed realizing that he was left with no choice. He pulled out his gun from his hip holster and shot every inmate in the shoulders, non lethal. There were very specific rules when he joined Arkham and the main rule was do not kill the patients under any circumstances. As soon as he'd done that, he landed on the muddy soil, knocking the wind out of him.

He coughed trying to regain his breath. He's getting too old for this but he still got it. He got back up on his feet as Batgirl and Jericho who'd returned to Arkham Island via the batboat.

"You alright, Max?" Batgirl asked.

Max Payne looked at her as if it was a stupid question to ask. "Where were you? I needed help five minutes ago."

"It looked like you had everything under control." Jericho motioned to the injured inmates with bullet wounds in their shoulders.

"Well, it doesn't feel that way." Max spat then turned to Batgirl. "Who's this guy?"

"Help." Batgirl replied to his question. "We're heading to Arkham Mansion. Dr. Young is in Trouble."


Arkham East

Arkham Mansion.

West Wing Corridor.

Barbara Gordon: When we got back to Arkham Island, the Asylum was crawling with Joker's henchmen. he had completely taken over the place. We had to sneak in through the back door sort to speak.

When they arrived at the Mansion, they had to take care of some trouble that wasn't an obstacle. Batgirl had filled him on why the Arkham Psychiatrist was in trouble on their way in. Max was leading both Batgirl and Jericho to the Arkham records room.

"So Joker was manipulating Dr. Young into creating a drug that would turn his men into Frankenstein monsters in a plot to destroy Gotham?" Max summarized what he was just told and to say that it was well above his pay grade, would be total vindication.

"Yes. I had the displeasure to experience its end product first hand in the boiler room at the medical facility." Batgirl admitted remembering her fight with the Titan enhanced Bane from earlier.


Jericho who had been quiet for some time was asked the ex cop of the location of Dr Young's office. "Where did you say her office was again?"

Batgirl: Arkham AsylumWhere stories live. Discover now