For What It's Worth Part 2

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Sebastian was surely out of Ciel's bed by the time Ciel awoke the next morning, for that would have been inappropriate by almost any standard. It would surely ruin his butler's aesthetics of being one hell of a butler. Plus, there was much work to be done that morning not including removing Elizabeth's awful choice in decorations. Today was bochan's birthday and though the day had a reputation for generally being always less than pleasant, he would be more damned than he already was if he would allow it to be more ruined by Elizabeth.

Sebastian began removing decorations soundlessly around 4:30, finding it almost impossible to leave his young master's presence, however, with work to be done, it was no real choice.

Ciel rolled over in bed at Sebastian's quiet pleas for him to wake up. "Young master, your breakfast will consist of strawberry crepes complemented by Earl Grey tea. Enjoy sir."

Ciel would have rolled his eyes had he been more alert. 'The formality was hardly necessary at this point.' He decided to voice this thought. "Sebastian, your formality is unnecessary. I think we are past the point of putting up appearances, especially when you and I are the only ones present, don't you think?"

'What the hell?' Why would I ask his bloody opinion? I forget our stations and that is inexcusable for someone of my caliber.

Sebastian looked slightly surprised, but nodded curtly.

"What is my schedule today?" Ciel pressed, all business as usual.

"I have cleared your schedule of everything for the day. Elizabeth will be the only guest to show up today around 7PM. It is up to you whether you wish to entertain her or dismiss her. You may reply to the Queen at your leisure as long as it is within the next week."

Ciel quirked a dark eyebrow at this statement. "And why is that exactly?"

Sebastian smirked as a look of pure joy ever how slight it was glossed over Ciel's face after tasting the crepe. "I guessed you would prefer not to be bothered with actual guests on this day of all days. I informed the Queen that you were away on urgent business."

Ciel nodded with an almost undetectable to any other than Sebastian smile. "Your work is deeply appreciated. Permit Elizabeth to arrive, however, I may dismiss her pending on my mood later on."

Sebastian grinned and moved to leave the room.

"Sebastian," Ciel called out.

"Yes, young master."

"Nevermind, go attend to your business."

Sebastian left wordlessly as Ciel finished his breakfast with his thoughts swirling.

It was no damn secret. The earl of Phantomhive, contrary to popular belief, did have feelings thank you very much. Just not towards Elizabeth Midford. In fact, his depth of feelings other than familial obligations and keeping up appearances were only directed towards one certain individual. And he would be beside himself were these feelings which he wasn't even certain how to describe them were found out by said individual.

Ciel mentally made a list of what he knew. He knew when in the presence of Lizzie he did not feel nervous, his heart did not quicken, and he had to focus deeply to keep conversation going. In short, he had no particular desire to be around here, to interact with her, and most definitely not to romance her. Ciel shied away from romantic thoughts and feelings for the most part. After all, being crudely used, abused, and molested by the scourge of the underworld caused him to think of touching even in the most innocent sense as a vile sort of thing.

Other than the rare toleration of hugs by Elizabeth, the only person allowed to touch him was Sebastian.

He also knew, come to think of it, that his interactions with his butler, Sebastian were indeed quite different. Conversation came easily to the two. Though one was a demon and the other a human, it seemed they were on similar intellectual levels and could discuss matters from business to life with ease. He often felt nervous in his butler's presence, but strangely at peace at the same time. Also, though he had not and did not plan to admit it to a soul, demon or otherwise, his heart pounded at a rather unhealthy pace on not so rare occasions when in close proximity to Sebastian. When Sebastian dressed him, bathed him, or even looked at him a certain way, Ciel found it rather hard to breathe, but not in an entirely displeasureable way.

Though Ciel still had no desire to romance Sebastian, after all, he was still adverse to touch in general and knew Sebastian ultimately only desired to do whatever would make Ciel's soul most pleasing to him. As adverse as he was to the former, he couldn't help wondering. He was also curious. How would he respond if Sebastian were to touch him gently and not out of necessity? How would it feel wrapped tightly in Sebastian's strong embrace? How would Sebastian's perfectly formed lips feel pressed against his own?

Ciel shook his head as he dressed himself, readying himself for the remainder of the day and Elizabeth's arrival. It did no one any good to dwell on things, especially when they were as futile as him fighting his own demise.

A/N: So thoughts? Critiques? Compliments? Yeah, anything you have to say is welcome.

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