Untitled Part 16

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It appeared everything was going well, though Astre had lost sight of both his twin and Lizzie. He squinted as he impaled another bizzarre doll. "I haven't seen Undertaker at all, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing." 

Sebastian grit his teeth as the crowd of zombies around them was seeming to disperse. "This doesn't feel right."

The two stopped what they were doing and faced the stage when a loud clapping was heard and the squealing of a microphone. "Hello everyone and welcome to my show, hahahahhaa, The Campania Redux. That's basically part two for anyone who is a total imbecile." None other than Undertaker stood on the stage and he had Ciel by the arm. It was twisted behind his odd back at a very unnatural angle that made Astre shudder. 

Grell and Wiliam moved closer to Sebastian and Astre in a protective stance. Lizzie was standing beside the stage biting her nails and staring at the dolls frozen in place.

"I would like to introduce myself formally. You will address me as Undertaker and my wife as Claudia, who isn't here just yet but anyways. I'm getting ahead of myself. Most of you will end up as food for my dolls, however, I wanted all of your undivided attention, especially yours Sebastian since that's what you insist upon calling yourself and little Earl. Watch as I get what I want, Bring out Claudia's chamber! She will feed upon this other doll and then become immortal with the spare twin's blood."

A few of the dolls were carrying a large coffin. Astre caught on quickly. "Lizzie! Ciel! Get away from him! Grell, Wiliam stop him!"

The two reapers lunged towards Undertaker but were promptly thrwarted by even more bizarre dolls spilling out of the basement region as well as the upper compartments. "A little tied up at the moment!" Grell called out as she had to go on the defensive instead of offensive at the moment.

Lizzie ran towards Ciel hoping to get him away from Undertaker when a doll grabbed her arm. She tripped and fell with the grotesque, drooling zombie nearly on top of her. 

Astre ran towards her as Ciel broke his own arm to escape Undertaker's clutches. Astre sliced its arm off while Ciel checked her for injuries quickly. "Thank Heavens you're alright."

The lid of the coffin was removed as Undertaker yanked Ciel away back onstage. Lizzie was shaking and Astre was meeting his twin's gaze in sheer terror. "Feed  my darling!"

The woman who emerged resembled the twins a bit. She had long flowing blonde hair, nearly translucent skin, but the dead giveaway that she was a Phantomhive were her large dark blue expressive irises. Though it was obvious by how she carried herself and the visible veins on her face and neck that she wasn't human, she shook her head and scratched at Undertaker. "How dare you! Trying to feed me one of my grandchildren!"

He shook his head, still smiling. "That one's already dead, he is! There's no reason not to do it." He laughed uproariously.

"Are you quite daft?! He looks petrified, whatever he is he is human enough to know fear. I won't do it." Undertaker waved a hand in dismissal and as she screamed, his minions tossed her back into the casket.

He glared, no longer smiling at Astre who had snuck onto the stage and was now only two feet from the unhinged reaper. "You did something didn't you. He was fine with my plan until you butt in. Maybe I'll just kill you and then he'll have no reason to resist our plans!"

The delusional man lunged towards Astre with a speed that not even Sebastian could counter. He was too close, there's no way the demon could get their in time even though he tried. Astre's face hit the stage and he knew his shoulder and cheek would bruise from where it was shoved. 'Wait who had shoved him?'

He didn't hurt nearly enough to have been impaled by Undertaker's reaper scythe.

Multiple gasps filled the air. Ciel had taken the blow that had clearly been meant for him. The scythe was sticking through his entire body and blood sluggish dripped out. "I'm sorry we didn't get to reunite properly brother, but I'm not letting you be killed by him." He managed out before he coughed up a copious amount of blood, eyes rolling back into his head.

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