Untitled Part 14

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Elizabeth was unable to go back to sleep but laid in Ciel's arms for a bit longer. Undertaker said nothing else to him and other than absently stroking her hair, he said nothing either. He may have drank more of whatever was in the glass, blood if she followed the conversation correctly. She suppressed a shudder. 'Wait, if he was indeed a zombie, then he wouldn't have a pulse, right?' She was practically lying on his chest so she held her breath to see if she heard anything. She did hear a very slow faint sound, which both relieved a disturbed her. It was beating incredibly slowly, obviously highly unusual for a human, and he really wasn't breathing. Those findings coupled with how ice cold he still was under the blanket all but confirmed that the conversation wasn't a ruse; he really was something, a bizarre doll, was what the Undertaker had called him. 

Elizabeth bit her lip. Maybe Ciel was right. Maybe she should go find Astre and talk to him, not only for an apology but also to seek his counsel on this matter. It seemed Ciel was unfortunately dependent upon Undertaker and wouldn't be able to oppose him without some fallout. Now that her eyes were opened, she realized that her younger cousin had always been the best at problem solving. Though his father had written him off as incapable due to his health, there was nothing at all wrong with his mind and he managed to reason his way out of conundrums many experienced businessmen would have thrown in the towel on.

She "woke up" a bit later. "I'm sorry for overstaying my welcome, Ciel dear. I'll head back to my room now, can't have the nurse getting a scandalous reputation after all." 

He hugged her tightly then nodded as she kissed him quickly. "Lizzie. Don't forget what I said." He hoped she would go to Astre if things got bad.

Elizabeth left the room not long afterwards. 

"I could make her like you you know." Undertaker said evenly as if he was talking about the ship's menu.

"She'd be harder to kill and then she'd understand you and your, unique needs."

"No, absolutely not. That you have the gall to even mention that is preposterous." Ciel shot it down immediately.

He sighed throwing his hands up. "I hate to see Claudia's dear grandchild so unhappy." 

Ciel opened a book, effectively ending the conversation as Undertaker continued rambling to himself.

Astre and Sebastian were at the ball the following day, enjoying themselves at a quiet table in the corner. "Ah, you could have dressed as the robin and I could  have led you in a dance, my Lord."

Astre blushed lightly. "Are you insane?! That would never fly. I'm not as believably feminine as I once was."

Sebastian discreetly touched his face. "Is that so? No matter, we could dance like this if you don't mind. I for one don't in the least."

"Maybe when it gets later and the lights are dim." He stammered out while Sebastian just smiled.

Other than sampling the desserts and finger foods and wine lightly, Astre and Sebastian kept to themselves and only spoke to each other. 

It was nearly 11 and the announcer dimmed the lights, calling for the last dance of the evening.

Astre stood up as Sebastian led him to the dance floor. Sebastian led since he was the taller of the two, twirling Astre around expertly, bowing him down to the floor and even spinning him slightly. A small crowd who wasn't dancing had gathered and were clapping and cheering when he did a particularly impressive move.

"Must you be so keen on showboating?" Astre murmured in his ear. 

"I have someone worth showing off, so forgive me." Sebastian said silkily.

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