Untitled Part 6

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Elizabeth sat at home, careful to ensure both her door was locked and the nosiest of the Midford manor's residents were either occupied or away. Her mother and father rarely snooped, preferring to spend their free time, other than designated family events, with each other. She was happy for them but oh so jealous of the love the two shared. She needed that in her life and had decided since she couldn't have it from her fake betrothed she'd explore this mysterious letter from this U person. Her brother, ever the overprotective and codependent sibling, was away with the boys from the prestigious Westford school on a boating trip. Though she found it strange no women accompanied them, after each boating trip that happened around this time every year he returned happier and more relaxed and even less nosy than usual. She couldn't complain and refused to pry; anything to get her well meaning but aggravating older brother off her back. Paula her dear maid was out on family business. That was another kind hearted but positively annoying force to be reckoned with when she thought Elizabeth was in danger. As in, keeping any secrets from her 'darling Paula' as she referred to herself. Paula's life for the most part revolved around her position as a maid and specifically her postion as Elizabeth's maid.

The brown haired voluptuous woman had never married and unless prompted never mentioned family of any sort despite being from a large family of five other siblings and two living parents. She had been in service to the Midford's since Elizabeth was four years old and had been a constant fixture there ever since. She also never took sick days or leaves of absence hardly; this time one of her brother's wives had had an awful accident and the brother had been suicidal. After urgent letters and one phone call, Paula had agreed to go out and help comfort her brother Adrien, only after apologizing profusely to a sympathetic Alexis who nearly burst into tears at the news, an understanding Francis, and a relieved Elizabeth. 

She wasn't relieved at Paula's plight but a secret reply to a mysterious letter and hopefully a clandestine meeting to soon follow wouldn't be happening with her afoot.

She penned her reply, 'Hello U, I have not an inkling of whoever you are but you have my interest. I have discovered I am missing something quite important lately and would like to discuss things more thoroughly in person. Sincerely, L. M.'

Elizabeth checked to ensure no one had returned home unannounced and then placed the post in the mailbox, happy to see the courier was already coming up the drive. She hadn't wanted to put her full name even though she knew U already knew who she was, but in case someone else saw the letter. Now she just had to wait, luckily patience could be a virtue of hers. 'If whoever this person is managed to save Ciel or can revive him, it's worth whatever he could ask for.'

Sebastian made all of Astre's favorites the next day and was relieved he felt well enough to go to his study to accept the Queen's invitation to investigate the ship. He left the earl quickly saying he had to prepare for lunch but Astre suspected that wasn't the reason. His acceptance of the invitation was not without some trepidation of course, the Campania incident years ago being a total bust and nearly resulting in both his and his butler's demise. He still remembered how awfully sick he had gotten from the cold, stress, and his asthma and though he never saw Sebastian shirtless, he knew from prying that he still had a scar from the Undertaker's death scythe. The thought of someone being able to injure and nearly kill his butler made him shiver. Worst of all the man was still out there doing who knew what, possibly even involved with this ship. 

The rest of the letters were fairly routine, responding to requests for extra help around the farms as Spring was coming soon and the planting and harvesting seasons would creep up before too long, asking if extra work was needed for his manor, etc.

Scotland Yard had even sent him a fairly amiable message. 'Hope you are doing well Earl Phantomhive. Come see us when you are free, we'd like to thank you for all of your hard work over the years but also have a request.' 

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