Untitled Part 15

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Early the next morning, Sebastian, Grell, and William spoke in undertones in a part of the ship that hadn't been booked up. All three of them were hiding their presence and using their abilities to go undetected. Astre had stayed behind to ready their plans for the exhibition and remain safe since he could not hide his presence in that way.

"You two arrived faster than I expected." Sebastian said, in his whispy black incorporeal form. 

Grell scoffed as she flipped her hair behind her head. "Please, we both want our little problem taken care of as badly as you Bassy. Everyone in the division would be relieved if he was out of the picture, been a thorn in our side way too long." 

He materialized into his human vestige.


He nodded, pushing his glasses up. "The sooner he is dead, the less likely I'll be to have to work overtime. The last stunt he pulled had me backed up for weeks."

Sebastian looked grim. "Ideally we kill him but my priority is my master."

Grell patted him in a friendly manner on the shoulder. "Oh we know my dear. You protect your little charge and we'll handle Undertaker as he calls himself."

"We have no idea how many dolls are here though and backup won't be approved unless we're fully transparent, which we can't be because we're working with the likes of you." His words and tone were harsh but his eyes were laughing. 

The demon made a sound of understanding.

"All I have so far is conceal your scythes as best as you can, dress the part of a distinguished upper echelon couple, and keep close but not too close to the both of us. Full disclosure so there as few surprises as possible-"

"Oh Bassy, can we just get the cliffnotes please? You know my attention span is rather slim, just like my figure." William swatted her playfully on the ass which she made an aroused face at him.

Sebastian cleared his throat meaningfully. "My Master's real name as you both know isn't Ciel, it's Astre. He is a twin and up until fairly recently we were all under the impression Ciel Phantomhive, his brother,  was really and truly dead."

William leaned forward, unusually interested in the turn of events. "Meaning he isn't in fact dead?"

Grell smacked her hand painted with its bright red laquered nails down  on the side table. "Impossible! I clearly remember writing his name in my book. It was years ago, but my memory is as immaculate as my record keeping. I remember feeling terribly awful for this particular human. His parents had been reaped not long before that, a house fire I think. Just a small child, a victim of humanity's sick twisted amusement."

Grell nearly shook with her rage as William wrapped her in a hug and Sebastian awkwardly patted her arm. "The same kind that drove me to do what I did." She subconsciously thought of the slightly raised skin on her wrist and the matching one on her neck that she'd allowed to vanish.

She steeled her resolve. "So his soul was truly reaped. I didn't even make him relive his memories due to the pain and suffering. But go ahead, you can finish."

"It appears Undertaker found a way to splice his cinematic record enough and possibly infuse him with something more to give him a bit of personality. Whether it is or is not Ciel Phantomhive at the end of the day, only the resolution of this will tell us."

"Hmm, a pseudo soul possibly?" William posited. "Huh?!" Grell and Sebastian both stared cluelessly at him.

He pushed his glasses up on his nose with his middle finger and looked at the both of them like they were quite stupid.

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