Untitled Part 7

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Sebastian was gone by morning which Astre  expected but he had left a note with a batch of treats complete with his favorite tea, Earl Gray. 'Finny required help in the garden, enjoy.'

It was a simple note but it brought joy to Astre. He dressed for the day after enjoying his breakfast. He even admired himself in the mirror in the outfit Sebastian had bought for him. He decided to put the necklace on as well, shocked at how well the clashing colors actually blended. Sebastian had really outdone himself and Astre had never seen himself looking so good.

The outfit was tight in all the right places without being uncomfortable and instead of making his thin wrists and body look scrawny, it made him look elegant and distinguished. He smiled at himself in the mirror before placing his eyepatch on and made his way downstairs. There was still no sign of Sebastian but he sat at the table with Mey Rin and Bard who were midway through their breakfast. Mey Rin and Bard greeted Astre as per usual not surprised at all that he was sitting with them. They both knew their master had little patience for pretenses and social norms, at least in private anyway. 

The exchanged looks with each other, piecing together that the outfit and possibly the necklace were gifts from Sebastian. "You look rather dashing today, young master." Mey Rin ventured.

Bard nodded and added helpfully, "Going out somewhere today while we're on the town?"

"Not until tonight, Sherlock Holmes is playing at theatre and Sebastian managed to procure the two of us tickets. Thank you, Mey Rin."

"Just the two of you, huh." Bard said even though he'd already known this. 

Astre fought his blush down, "Yes. Sebastian could only manage to obtain two tickets and I figured you four wouldn't be back until later on."

"Ah, no matter," Bard tried his best to sound casual, "enjoy your date."

Astre opened his mouth to correct Bard's assumption when Finny and Sebastian walked through the door. He turned his head and his royal blue eye widened as his mouth dropped not even trying to hide his surprise.

Sebastian and Finny were both covered in dirt, grass, and had scratches all over them. Mey Rin beat him to the punch of asking what the hell was going on. "What happened?! Are there intruders we missed afoot?!" She stood up from the table nearly sloshing her orange juice over and Bard's milk which he quickly rescued from certain demise.

Finny giggled but looked abashed, "No nothing quite like that. I accidentally put herbicide on the rose bushes so we had to transplant them rather quickly. Mr. Sebastian is a slave driver." He mouthed the last part to the two servants.

Sebastian ran a hand through his black hair coming back with leaves and sticks in it to his chagrin. "The roses will be fine fortunately but there normal spot looks a rather mess right now. Young master should refrain from going over there until I've had time to relandscape that will take the better part of the day." He said pointedly to Finny while not taking his eyes off of Astre in his outfit and jewelry. 'God he was truly a vision.'

Astre stood up and beckoned to Sebastian, "Come upstairs I require something."

Finny sat down and began enjoying breakfast with zero shame. Before he exited with Astre Sebastian added, "Due to your juvenile nature you can eat first. But clean yourself up and any area you sullied after the meal." And the two were gone.

Tanaka entered from the side room with his cup of green tea and the day's paper with raised eyebrows. "Rough day already Finnian?"

"You don't know the half of it Mr. Tanaka." Finny said between bites of egg and sausage.

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