Untitled Part 4

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Sebastian carefully closed the door, counting the seconds when he could return to his master, but also fuming in his rage. 'How dare she even touch him, let alone do something so callous. Accident or not.' The servants made themselves scarce even though he was sure they wanted to ask questions or check on Ciel. 

Mey Rin, Bard, and Finny all whispered in undertones. "I've never seen Mr. Sebastian quite like that, guys." Finny said. Mey Rin who everyone knew was crushing on the butler affirmed, "Yes he didn't really do anything but he looked absolutely terrifying." Bard put his hands on Mey Rin and Finny's shoulders. "The way he was holding the master even was forboding. It was as if anyone who approached him would be torn limb from limb." Tanaka walked by holding a cup of steaming green tea in one hand and a candle in his other. He didn't seem angry but rather like a concerned father. "You three are not far from the truth, but it's rather late. Nearly midnight to be exact and Sebastian-san will not be pleased if he finds us wandering or whispering about what happened today."

Bard and Finny took the hint but Mey Rin wanted clarification. Call it mere curiosity or related to her interest in Sebastian, "That's just it Mr. Tanaka! What happened today? Suddenly Master Ciel and Miss Elizabeth go off on a boat trip for his birthday which should have been a pleasant time. Sebastian looks angry all day and then he returns to the manor without Miss Elizabeth with Master Ciel looking like death frozen over. Something isn't adding up!"

Tanaka changed his facial expression which was normally quite congenial to solemn. "I do not know, but I do know the more questions we ask the less we will like the answers. Master Ciel will be fine according to Sebastian and I have not known the butler to lie, especially in matters concerning the earl. We all have our roles and right now whatever Sebastian's is is none of our business. More may be revealed later but for now, rest." Satisfied the servants had received the message, he returned to his quarters to finish his tea and his Wordsworth novel and retire for the night. 'The two best things to calm his thoughts when they persisted in being turbulent.'

The three gulped and Mey Rin decided to let the matter drop for now as she and the others retired to their quarters. "Will everything really be alright?" Finny asked Mey and Bard who were the closest thing the boy had to parents at this point. "Sure it will! Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Sebastian have things under control and we all know they are more than capable men." Mey Rin responded brightly. Bard shot her a skeptical look which she pointedly ignored. The younger boy hugged both the cook and maid and went smiling to bed, little a care in the world in his mind. 'He deserves that much after everything he's seen and done.' Mey Rin thought. Before she could open her bedroom door which was to the right of Finny's, Bard grasped her arm gently. 

"Hm?" He reddened slightly. "That was awful nice of you you know? Reassuring Finny even though both you and I know that was an empty promise at best and an outright lie at worst."

She ran a hand through her hair. "Look, I didn't try to lie but does it really help matters Finny worrying about this mess? After all, we don't really know there even is anything to worry about." She glanced over his shoulder to ensure no one else was nearby. Bard leaned closer to her in case anyone was listening in. He could smell her faint cherry blossom perfume that was nothing but appealing to him. "What do you think happened Mey Rin? We're the adults here and other than Mr. Tanaka who pointedly isn't discussing this, this is our responisibility. What if it's a safety issue for the master or even for Miss Elizabeth?"

Her brow furrowed, "Are you implying that Mr. Sebastian did something to her and even the young master?" She wasn't angry but simply confused. "That doesn't seem right though. Sebastian has-"

"Always been more or less an enigma and even a straight up creep at times." Bard finished curtly. "How is he so good at everything? We know how all of us met Master Ciel but not how Sebastian did."

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