Untitled Part 8

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After a very thorough verbal lashing that he only truly understood partially, Finnian  relandscaped the garden that he had ruined earlier, relieved Bard of his dinner duties to prepare the meals, and took over Mey Rin's laundry and dusting for the day to the two's great shock but secret relief. This was all performed under Sebastian's watchful eye. 

The maid and cook met together outside where he decided to smoke. She glanced around trying to be nonchalant but used this opportunity to check and make sure no one could hear them. "What do you think of that oddity, Bard?"  She stood too close to him or not close enough depending on your view. He could smell her distinctive but subtle peony perfume and he decided he quite liked it. He shrugged after taking his drag. "Could be anything or nothing. But most likely his attempt to get anything out of the master or Sebastian went poorly."

"The poor dear completely lacks subtlety." Mey Rin sighed. "Well," He put his lighter and smokes away and wrung his hands a tad awkwardly, "It appears we have the day off anyway and permission was already granted to go in town, so let's go early, just the two of us."

Mey Rin opened her mouth to interrupt, but a firm finger against her lips silenced her. "Don't worry, Mey, we can go again later with Tanaka and Finny. They won't miss out completely."

He removed his finger, trying not to think about how soft her lips had been. "Oh, alright. We can go out for a few hours. It will take at least that long for Finny to finish up anyway. Plus we never get to hang out much one on one anyway." She flashed a bright smile to hide her nervousness.

 Though Mey Rin had had an obvious crush on Sebastian from first sight, but seriously who wouldn't? His perfect figure, flawless dress, silky voice, and firm looking ass. She couldn't help but to find at least equal beauty in Bard, more so due to his realism. Sebastian was good looking in a nearly fake way to her and surrounded in far too much mystery for her tastes. Bard was real; he had been through hell like herself and Finny and had the scars to prove it. From what she had seen, he was usually in long sleeves and pants, but on exceptionally hot days or to do certain tasks, he would opt for shorter garments. She had seen a few scars here and there, a nod to his military past, some probably stab wounds other bullet wounds. 

His hair was quite a mess, but it looked soft and like he at least bothered to wash it. He said what he meant and didn't put on airs, even to the point of getting in trouble and his voice was deep but slightly raised when he was trying to soothe someone. She knew he had been married before, even had a child with his wife, only to lose them both in such an awful tragedy. So she knew he was far more experienced than herself.

She had only been with one man and it had truly been a mistake. He had been much older than her and vulgar, looking only to satisfy himself. She shuddered at the gross memory. 

Sex really hadn't crossed her mind in years other than when she and Bard spoke about it vaguely. Of course she pleasured herself but normally it was to a generic man pleasing her; lately the star of her dreams, wet and otherwise, had been the strong no nonsense man beside  her. 

He smiled back at her as they headed to the carriage spot. The driver was present even though he had been expecting them later was quick to heed their request. 

"I'm always so excited to go into London." She enthused when they were beginning to see the signs and hear the sounds of bustling city life. 

Bard agreed readily, "There is a beauty to country life, but sometimes being surrounded by people is agreeable too." 

The driver told them he would be in the vicinity grabbing lunch and hitting up a few shops but to just find him when they were ready to leave and left the two to their own devices.

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