Mouse girl

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She felt her belly and hummed, sitting on the chair. The doula helped her get comfortable as she smiled happily.

"Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" Murmured the mother to be, her eyes filled with love and her long brown hair Curling slightly around her shoulders.

"I don't know dear, I'm certain you have some idea" said the doula, smiling softly at the pregnant woman.

The mother chewed on her food. Looking out the window, watching her husband chop wood. She smiled softly and looked down at her food, her cheeks red.

"We've been discussing names you know, for a boy or a girl. Maybe Willow, or Jack, I've always loved those names." She hummed.

Her doula smiled and pulled out some cloths, sorting through her items.

"Oh.. oh no" murmured the mother, she stumbled to her feet, she felt wrong, something was wrong. It hurt and she fell to her knees in her rush.

The cramps were awful.

"Oh... Please, please be ok" she whimpered, her doula quick by her side helping her to the bathroom.

She ran out to the husband.

"Christopher!! Christopher!! Call the midwife and doctor! Christopher!" Called the doula, the man dropped his axe running inside, she lay in the tub, sobbing and praying as she began to bleed.

Christopher ran for town, bashing on the midwife's door, she opened and stared at him in confusion.

"Christopher? It's nearly sun down, is everything ok?" She asked, he couldn't gather his words, true fear in his eyes.

"Please, I don't know, I don't know" murmured Christopher, she threw on her coat and followed him back to his home, she hurried in to the mother to be. She was quick to examine and gather cloths to help stop the bleeding.

"Now, this could be a few things ma'am, just breath, you aren't late enough for it to be a sign of pregnancy, just breath, we'll get some warm water" mumbled the midwife, shooing the doula and Christopher off to get warm water.

"Please! Please! Don't let my baby die! Please" sobbed the mother.

"We don't know if it's dead or not I just need you to breath sweet heart, to much stress is detrimental right now, I know you're scared" assured the midwife, frowning as the mother to be, struggled to collect herself.

They struggled, Christopher leaving to scream and shout his stress into the wind. Startling some cattle in a nearby field.

He walked into town, catching the store clerk before they closed.

"Please, I just need to buy some food, my wife..." Mumbled Christopher lost for words, the clerk patted his shoulder.

"We'll be open in the morning, your doula went shopping a while ago, there should be good left. You seem stressed" spoke the clerk. The father to be, dealing with his feelings, turned and fled, pacing around nervously.

"Oh, Mr Juno, are you alright? You seem awfully upset" spoke a woman, she eyed him pitifully.

"My wife.... I want out child to live" he murmured. She examined him carefully, smiling softly.

"A miscarriage? Please, maybe to help we should have a prayer, I have some mice to use as a sacrifice" she brought up, Christopher was lost and desperate, willing to offer sacrifice to the gods to save his unborn baby.

They gathered around some candles and a mouse scratching against a wooden cutting board as it was tied there.

"Here, have the hammer. Trading a life for a life" she murmured, she changed and spoke quietly, he closed his eyes and waited.

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