Chapter 7

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Turns out that the clue was both simple and complicated.

"Three blocks from school?" I ask again as we leave the flower shop.

Cam nods.

"In which direction?"

He shrugs. "Note didn't say."

Ugh. Of course it didn't. Why would the clue tell us exactly what we need to know? Why can't finding Peggy be as simple as counting to 3?

Cam walks fast, almost like he's trying to stay ahead of me. I start walking faster to keep the pace with him, which isn't hard. I guess the runs with Peggy do pay off, and probably the fact that I'm taller than him.

We walk almost side by side, Cam always trying to be one step ahead of me. The silence between us is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I want to. Badly.

It never used to be like this between us. Never tense, or awkward. We used to be so care-free around each other, always joking or messing around. Any silence between us was always comfortable, unlike this one. It's stiff and somehow makes me itchy. I want to break it. I want to ask him how it's been, what classes he's taking, or what video game he's obsessed with right now.

But my mouth won't open. Maybe because I know he doesn't want to be all buddy-buddy again, or maybe because of the daggers he sends my way without looking back at me. But it hurts to know we can't go back to our old ways.

It hurts more knowing it's all my fault.

It doesn't take long before we arrive outside the school.

I take a moment to look around. If I didn't go here or know that schools aren't open on weekends I'd think it's a creepy abandoned school. Ivy climbs one side of the building closest to the empty parking lot. The parking lot is covered in spider-web-like cracks, while the steps leading to the schools, use-to-be white doors, are cracked and falling apart.

Cam finally stops and plops down onto said steps. I stand over him as he rubs his temple.

"What now?" I ask.

Cam looks up. His face is darker in my shadow, but his eyes are still bright. "I'm trying to think of what's in each direction to see if maybe that's where we're suppose to look."

I scrunch my nose. "You know what's in every direction of the school?"

He scrunches his eyebrows. "You don't?"

I shrug. "I only know how to get from here to a few other places. All in the same direction."

"How do you not know the area?"

I shrug.

He shakes his head. "Right. Not the point."

I sigh and look down towards one of the roads. "Maybe we should just split up and try each direction for three blocks?"

Cam sighs. "It'll take longer but I guess it's worth a shot."

I grin. "Great you take that way!" I point to the south of the school. "And I'll take this way." I point to the north of the school.

"Why do you get to decide which way we go?" Cam snaps.

Whoa. Was not expecting that.

I cross my arms. "Why does it matter?"

"Because you can't make good choices."

I gasp. "What?! That's so not true!"

"But it is." He's standing now, and even though he's shorter than me in this instance it's like he's taller than me.

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