Chapter 16

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I giggle as something soft and wet licks my cheek.

"Stop," I whisper. I move my hands around, looking for the culprit. Another lick before my hands land in soft fluffliness. I gently push them away before opening my eyes.

Only to be met with brown starry eyes.

I open my mouth to scream as it tries to lick me again. As it opens its mouth and sticks its tongue out I notice it has almost no teeth, and the few that it does have are tiny and harmless looking. "What are you?" I ask, avoiding its tongue.

It pulls away from my face and cocks its head to the side. I try to get a better look at it but my back flares in pain when I try to move. From the head, the animal almost looks like a deer. But that can't be possible. No deer is colored as if it was painted by a child. This deer-thing's fur is vibrant hues of orange and yellow mixed together, and on top of its widely colored fur it's speckled with sparkles.

"It's a wister."

I crane my neck to try to see past the brightly colored deer but pain shots through my back up to my neck. "What's a wister?" I groan.

Stepping out from behind the... wister, Om's eyes dance with enjoyment. "Your ride for now."

"I get to ride it?" I can't help the excitement that accompanies my words.

Om nods, a grin making their face shine. "I asked Tace for help and it sent this lovely creature."

The wister ducks its head and continues trying to lick me.

"He sure is a sweetheart." I grin. I cup the wisters head in my hands and stroke its fur. It's so soft and smooth. "You're so pretty. You know that?" I ask it.

His tongue hangs out of his mouth. I giggle. "He reminds me of a puppy."

Om tilts their head. "What's a puppy?"

My jaw drops.

"You don't have puppies here?" a familiar voice joins the conversation. I grin as Cam comes into view. He grins back.

"I've never heard of puppies before."

I squish my face up to the wisters and talk in a baby's voice. "Well this guy is an absolute cutie. Yes you are! Yes you are!"

The wister bounces slightly and pants at my voice. Part of me wants to ask like a child if I can keep him.

"So this is what Tace sent us?" Cam asks. He places his hands on his waist. "Will it be able to carry Mats?"

I scoff. "You think I'm too heavy for it?"

Cam's eyes widen with panic. "That's not what I meant!"

"You think the wister is too weak and small to carry her?" Om asks in the same offended voice I used.

Somehow his eyes widen farther. "I think I just asked a question I shouldn't have."

Om shoots me a smirk and we burst out laughing. Cam's eyes dart between us. It's hilarious how clueless he can be sometimes. He rolls his eyes. "Ha ha. Very funny you two."

Mine and Om's grins grow farther.

"Should we get a move onto to the healer then? That way we can be on our way to the capital a little faster?" Om asks.

I nod. My gut is still tight with the worry I have for Peggy. I really hope she is okay and that they aren't hurting her too much. "When did you say your king was making his announcement?" I ask.

Cam and Om walk over to me and each grab one of my arms. "In about two days. Though he announced that yesterday, so we probably only have a day to get there."

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