Letter #13

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Oh lucky number 13. Hello friends, I'm back with another letter/confession that I will never send. There's this person- doesn't know who I am. We've had some minute encounters, like meeting in the hallway, smiling at each other (once!) but that's it. I've had a crush on this person for 5 months now. I honestly don't know if this person likes me back too. But I'm just going to write my confession for this person here, because I'm not sure if I should say tell this person or not.

Also, I wrote this letter when I was traveling. It may change later on when I do decide to confess, but for now here it is.

Hello! Not sure if you know me, or if you would read this message at all, but I just wanna say that I have a crush on you. I don't know if you swing that way, but I decided to take the risk and tell you before I leave the place we work at for good. You probably noticed that I added you on some social media platforms, and when I met you at a party and you gave me a balloon, yeah. It probably didn't mean much to you but to me, it did. I adore your energy when you talk about politics; fighting for what's good and right.

You've inspired me for the last 5 months that I've worked here. Being able to see you gives me energy for the day. There were times when we'd run into each other in the hallway, I would say hi but then I stop myself from going through with it because you look too serious, or busy but that's alright.

There's so much more I want to say, but this is getting lengthy already and I'm getting shy. I just wanted to get this off my chest. Whatever your response may be, I'll gladly accept it. You don't even have to respond at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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