Letter #10

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Today was a good day. I've flushed down these feelings for you and they are no more. And I'm happy. Because I'm finally free from this god awful hell of an emotional roller-coaster and I'm over it. Whenever I see you, there's no more feelings. And with that in mind, I feel so warm and happy and ready to take on the world. I've been bouncy and bubbly the entire day. And all the emotion I've felt for you before are gone now.

You approached me a while ago and I tried out my newly acquired skill. And it worked, my feelings for you have disappeared. The best part was that I was actually planning on making friends with you, but I just didn't know how to approach you. Luckily, you did it for me. You asked me for something and I agreed. A little later, you passed by me again and gave me a high five but I was going for a fist bump. And I'm cringing so hard about how that went. I then proceeded to ask you something and then as sort of like a reward, I give you a high five as well and you returned it. And that's how friendships are born. I really do hope that over the course of this semester, we both get to improve this friendship, make it stronger. There's only one week left though, so I need to start getting to it before we leave for the summer. I may or may not be here next semester so I'm making these memories count.

It's funny how the rest of the letters posted here have a sequence. From sadness, pain, wanting, overthinking; it ends on a happy note. No longer will these feelings haunt me again and i'm just really happy that one day, my mind just started to click and then all the thoughts faded away and what's left is a happy, ambitious and energetic mind.

I hoped you liked reading these letters. Because I had fun making them. And I'll end it with just three words:

I am happy.

(or am I?)

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