Author's Note

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It's time to revisit a favourite mythos of mine: the SCP Foundation.

If I may, I'd like to take you all the way back to book number 9 in the "Safe Haven Saga". Here, in "D R A C O N I S : B R E A C H", we saw Petrus Draconis, Conqueror of the Northwest Safe Haven, encountering the Foundation and working "hand-in-hand" with them on some cross-SCP tests. When we catch up with him in this book (which takes place four years later), you'll see that not much has changed, but some boundaries have been established between Draconis and the Foundation. He still has a vise-like grip on their treatment of him and, as such, basically possesses Level 5 clearance; however, Draconis has also begun to exhibit a small amount of respect toward them. He's one of the classier villains, don'tchya know.

Now, concerning the SCP Animated characters and continuity, I would like to note that as of the publishing of this story, the most recent episode is "SCP-096 vs. SCP-682", so this story will match the events that took place up to the airing of said episode. If any changes to the continuity are required in the future due to updates in newer episodes, I will attempt to retcon inconsistencies as best as I can.

Alright: time to get down to business. The Safe Havens need a hero, and right now, their best bet... is a villain.

(Note: the SCP-centred parts of the story are formatted in the style of SCP interviews, tales, and event logs.)

31. P O W E R : AssistanceOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara