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Cameron stiffened at Draconis's words.

Ah... and I see you're experiencing the same phenomenon, dear Avatar, Draconis purred, noting her reaction. It's quite strange, isn't it?

"What is he talking about, Cameron?" Salvia asked quietly, glancing at A1.

Nothing important, Draconis said before Cameron could respond. At least, it's not as important as the reason you all came. He inhaled deeply and sighed, grinning. I must confess, it is quite refreshing to see beings from my own reality again, he admitted. To be perfectly honest, I've missed it rather sorely. The Dragon nodded to Salvia, adding, You're looking well, Salvia. As well as you can with that deathly pallor, anyway.

"And whose fault is that?" Salvia retorted.

HA! And not a bit of fire lost! Draconis chortled. Most impressive. However... He turned to Safiya, his eyes glittering wickedly. ...I doubt I could say the same for you, el Nar.

Safiya narrowed her eyes. "Then you know why we're here?" she asked, keeping her voice level.

Oh, yes, Draconis replied, nodding. The echoes have traveled far and wide, across space and time, to bring me news of your... unfortunate circumstances.

"So then you know why we need you," Fitch said, stepping forward and addressing his father directly for the first time in over five hundred years. "Safe Haven is in grave danger and—uh—"

Fitch cut off abruptly, his eyes widening as Draconis suddenly embraced him tightly.

The other Retrieval Team members stared in shock, unable to believe what they were seeing.

Oh, my eldest son! Draconis exclaimed, pulling back and holding Fitch by the shoulders. Look at you, Custos! A guardian of Safe Haven, a keeper of the peace! He moved toward Hatchet, clasping his hand and shaking it firmly. And you, Defensor! Persevering to protect your home with a glittering heart of gold! Draconis released his speechless second-born and gave Malcom an undesired pat on the head. Ah, Malcom. An instructor in the ways of flight and a capable soldier despite your blindness! I couldn't be prouder. He turned to Marx, opening his mouth to speak—then rethought it and put his hands on his hips, sighing. You three are still my pride and joy, Draconis declared. Regardless of our differences, I cannot help but feel grateful to have sons such as you.

The Havenites remained silent, trying to process what had just happened.

Then Fitch's eyes flared with violent green light as he stepped toward his father, fists clenched. "Don't play games with us, Draconis," he hissed. "Your approval means NOTHING to us! You're no father of ours, you disgusting piece of filth!" He was spitting out the words as he continued, "The only reason we're here is because our home is in danger! There is no goodwill between us—no true pride on either side! You are nothing more than a means to an end, and that end is the salvation of Safe Haven!"

"Also, I don't really mind being left out by a scumbag like you," Marx put in, holding up a finger. "I'm proud of who I am whether you are or not."

Oh, that's quite alright, little Mordecai, Draconis leered at his youngest son. After all, you're free from that despicable abomination thanks to your Guardian. He gestured to Fitch.

Marx narrowed his eyes. "How did you—"

Like I said before, imbecile: the echoes have told me everything. Draconis put his hands behind his back and turned, walking away from the Havenites with his back to them. I know why you're here, Retrieval Team 2, commissioned by the Safe Haven Council following the enactment of Code "Icarus", he declared. I know of the Avatar's folly—walking right into Fisi's trap like a fly lured by honey. I know that whether you like it or not, you NEED me...

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