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"Mission successful," Fitch stated, breaking the silence of the Animal District.

"And that means I'm back in charge," Cameron added, slowly shifting back to her normal human form and nodding to Salvia. "Thanks for taking care of business, Salvia. You did great."

"No problem," Salvia mumbled as Hatchet scooped her up in his arms. "Wake me up when this nightmare's over."

What is our next move, Avatar? Draconis inquired, shifting into human form and putting his hands behind his back as Buck and Collingwood stood diligently at his sides with their guns in hand.

"Well, first off, let them go," Cameron told him, motioning to the Foundation researchers.

Hm? Oh, yes. Silly me. Draconis laughed, summoning his shards out of Buck and Collingwood, setting them free in the process.

"Whoa! Wha—whoa," Dr. Collingwood stammered, stumbling to the side and putting a hand on her head. "That was... horrible."

"Idiot!" was the first word out of Dr. Buck's mouth. She grabbed Draconis's arm, hissing, "You brought us to another world? Are you insane? We had jobs to do! Family and loved ones! And you just dragged us along like—"

Like you were expendable? Draconis interrupted. Like you could easily be replaced? He laughed. Don't fool yourself, Buck.

Dr. Buck narrowed her eyes and released Draconis's arm. "D--- it," she muttered, rubbing the bridge of her nose once more. "Not this again..."

Draconis scoffed and turned back to Cameron. Next?

"Report to Xirxine," Cameron responded without hesitation as Marx attempted to console Collingwood and Buck. "We have to let the chairpersons know we succeeded."

Bee-beep. Bee-beep. Bee-beep.

"Retrieval Team 2, this is Chairman Abidan Derschwitz. We've picked up your signals; please report your status."

The team members glanced at their watches.

"...Or they could contact us first," Cameron amended, smiling slightly. She held her watch up to her mouth and said, "Chairman, this is A1. We have the package."

A smattering of applause emanated from the Havenites' watches, as well as a few cheers and other celebratory sounds. "Well done, Team 2," the chairman replied, a smile in his voice. "Team 1 has found their target as well and is en route to the Capital City. Return to base and prepare give a full mission report."

Copy that, Chairman, Draconis called as he leaned over Cameron's shoulder, interrupting her response. I look forward to working with you all to reclaim my kingdom.

Cameron recoiled and gave Draconis an animalistic snarl while the chairman said wearily (and with some relief), "Whatever lets you sleep at night. Chairman out."

The call ended, and Draconis looked around at the others. Shall we? he asked suavely, gesturing in the direction of the City District.

 Shall we? he asked suavely, gesturing in the direction of the City District

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