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The forest on the other side of the portal was only slightly different from the Oceonica. The trees seemed to be thicker, with wider branches and darker leaves. And even in the light of the rising sun, the darkness of the forest was almost choking... almost palpable.

"This world," Fitch said in a hushed voice. "It feels... off. There's something... something wrong with the magic here."

"I feel it, too," Salvia agreed. "Someone or something has corrupted it. All of it."

"How's that possible?" Safiya asked, frowning.

"I don't know. But I don't want to stay long enough to find out." Salvia raised her hand, tracing Draconis's magic again. "Let's get this over with as quickly as possible. The faster we find Draconis, the better."

"The speed at which this mission is completed depends entirely on his location," Fitch pointed out. "He could be thousands of kilometres from here."

"True," Salvia admitted. "But at least I have an idea of which direction he went." She pointed into the distance, adding, "Southwest. That's our heading."

"Should we fly?" Hatchet asked uncertainly. "I mean... magical creatures exist here, right? With the Inner Gods and all..."

"I don't see why not," Cameron replied. "People should be used to it, just like back home."

"Then let's fly," Marx said flatly, shifting into dragon form. "Like Salvia said: the faster we find Draconis, the better." He took off into the sky, leaving the others behind as he followed Draconis's magic trail.

"Marx! You can't just—" Fitch stopped and sighed. "Never mind." He shifted into dragon form as well and spread his wings. "Malcom, go after Marx," he ordered. "Make sure he doesn't go too far."

"Right!" Malcom took off after his younger brother, his enhanced senses allowing him to follow Marx with ease.

"Hatchet, take Salvia," Fitch went on. "Cameron, get on my back." As Cameron obeyed, climbing onto the massive dragon's spine, he concluded, "Even if the people here aren't used to Shifters, we should still be fine since it's early. So let's move as quickly as possible."

"Roger that, big bro." Hatchet shifted and crouched as Salvia levitated onto his back. Once she was situated, the two dragons flew after their brothers, soaring through the pink morning sky.

 Once she was situated, the two dragons flew after their brothers, soaring through the pink morning sky

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Something Anomalous This Way Comes

rating: +?? | + | – | x

Site-19, 20██

Dr. Amelia Buck entered the lab, where she found several researchers clustered around the entity. It was the 001 proposal of her choice, the creature known as "Petrus Draconis" (or simply "the Stone Dragon"), and it was deep in discussion with the Foundation employees. It was a somewhat baffling sight: an anomaly with enough thaumaturgic prowess and raw firepower to rip the world apart was calmly and professionally studying another anomaly with a collection of relatively simple beings. Dr. Buck almost scoffed at the thought; it would be utterly ridiculous if she weren't seeing it herself.

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