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Item #: SCP-9202

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-9202 are allowed to roam Site-19 freely due to their confirmed benevolence as well as their offensive capabilities, which will potentially prove largely beneficial in the case of future containment breaches. The instances are considered allies of the Foundation and must not be antagonized in any way.

Description: SCP-9202 consists of seven (7) entities, each given a specific lettered designation.

SCP-9202-A is an anomalous human female of indeterminable origins and age possessing bright scarlet hair, papery gray skin, and extensive thaumaturgical capabilities, the limits of which are as of yet untested. She identifies herself as "Salvia" and is the purported former mentor of four (4) of the other 9202 instances. SCP-9202-A is approximately 1.7 meters tall and weighs about 49 kilograms.

SCP-9202-B is a 31-year-old non-anomalous Caucasian human female of German descent. She identifies herself as "Cameron Walden-Wallace" and claims to be the "Avatar" of SCP-9202-C. SCP-9202-B is approximately 1.75 meters tall and weighs about 60 kilograms. She wields an anomalous spear with a black shaft and silver-colored tip made of an unknown material similar in makeup to that of SCP-9202-C's blade.

SCP-9202-C is a shapeshifting entity who identifies herself as "Safiya el Nar", possessing two (2) known forms. Its primary form is a female humanoid, roughly 1.75 meters in height and weighing about 55 kilograms. This form is allegedly of Proto-Afroasiatic origin, possessing technicolored hair (red, orange, yellow, pink), birdlike wings and human irises of the same coloration, and talons in the place of finger- and toenails. This form also has tail feathers measuring 1.2 meters in length and has feathers covering the breasts and genitalia. SCP-9202-C's secondary form appears to be a large bird 5.6 meters long and 2.3 meters tall (these dimensions can vary, according to the entity), weighing 150 kilograms and possessing feathers of the same colorations as those present in her humanoid form. SCP-9202-C possesses superhuman physiology and claims to have possessed pyrokinetic abilities in the past, as well as the ability to reconstruct herself five hundred (500) years after death. The latter two claims have yet be confirmed. SCP-9202-C wields a sword made of an unknown metal and is proficient in numerous sword-fighting styles.

SCP-9202-D is a shapeshifting entity who identifies himself as "Fitch Ferris", possessing two (2) known forms. His primary form is a male humanoid, roughly 1.84 meters in height and weighing about 80 kilograms. This form is of indeterminable origin, possessing dark green hair with lighter streaks, chalky white skin, luminescent green eyes with lime green sclera, and a reptilian tail that terminates in an arrow-shaped point. SCP-9202-D's secondary form is saurian in appearance, resembling a more reptilian specimen of Archaeopteryx and measuring 6.4 meters tall by 7.3 meters long. This form is dark green with a lighter green underside and has batlike wings possessing six (6) claws, three (3) of which support the membrane between them while the others are separate from the membrane. This form also possesses a white beak, twenty-nine (29) spines running from the bridge of the beak along the vertebrae, and the same tail as SCP-9202-D's primary form. The feet are wide and round, with four (4) claws facing forward, back, and to the sides on each foot. SCP-9202-D is capable of breathing fire in either form, flying in an anomalous sound vacuum, and performing what he calls "shadow-walking", which involves anomalously moving through any medium of darkness. He wields an unusual weapon which consists of a staff topped with five curved blades that spin clockwise along a horizontal axis at 500 rotations per minute (RPM).

SCP-9202-E is a shapeshifting entity who identifies himself as "Hatchet Drake", possessing two (2) known forms. His primary form is a male humanoid, roughly 1.8 meters in height and weighing about 85 kilograms. Much like his "elder brother" (that is, SCP-9202-D), his primary form is of indeterminable origin, possessing scarlet hair, chalky white skin covered in thaumaturgic tattoos, scarlet eyes with orange-red sclera, and a reptilian tail that terminates in a black club with red rear-facing spikes. Though humanoid, this form also possesses reptilian characteristics, including scales, pointed teeth, and three (3) fingers on each hand ending in black claws. SCP-9202-E's secondary form also resembles that of SCP-9202-D, albeit silvery-white in color and still covered in thaumaturgic symbols. This form is approximately 6 meters tall and 7.5 meters long. The wings only possess four (4) claws, one (1) of which is separate from the membrane. Two (2) red-and-black rear-facing horns protrude from the skull, which (along with the neck) is covered in red-and-black spines. A single black stripe runs from the nape of the neck to the end of the tail, and seven (7) black spines run from between the shoulder blades to the top of the tail. The feet resemble elongated versions of those found on Therizinosaurus specimens, with three (3) black claws at the front and one (1) curved black claw at the back of each foot. SCP-9202-E possesses the same abilities as his elder "brother" (SCP-9202-D), albeit with less proficiency in "shadow-walking" and the ability to manipulate his fire to form inanimate objects. He wields two (2) identical torchlike batons with claw-shaped ornaments and spherical orange-colored gems at each end. These gems can combust at SCP-9202-E's command, burning with anomalous, inextinguishable flames.

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