Chapter 6

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(Anthony pic ^^^)

"IM TIRED OF THIS IVAN!" i said crying as i pushed him away

"Im sorry ! I promise I'm going to change!" Ivan pulled Natalie closer to him to kiss her.

"No ! i need a break from this. From us! i want to forgive you but i know i need time to process all of this. I'm hurt..... just leave me at my house please."

He didn't say anything after that. The ride home was dead silent and i just wanted to get out of there. My heart hurts so bad and all i want to do is cry. He tried to hold my hand at a stop light but i just pulled away. When we pulled into my driveway and i just jumped out of the car as fast as i could. He did too and grabbed my wrist really hard.

"What do you want! LET GO!!" Tears came down my eyes and he let go.

"Whats going to happen?" Ivan eyes we're getting watery.

"I need a break. I'll talk to you when i'm ready." I told him as i was walking away.

How could Ivan do this to me! This is the second time he does this to me! He cheated on me and didn't even try to cover up his tracks. I love him so much, I really do. Things we're so good for us until a month ago.

Jasmine was finally back from mexico and i texted her to come over. She didm't ask why she just came as I told her. When she got here the first thing i did when i opened the door was hug her and cried. We walked inside and sat in the living room because nobody was home yet.

Jasmine: Whats wrong girl? Is it Ivan??

Natalie: I just can't do it anymore Jas! He hurt me again after i believed him last time about Marie!!

Jasmine: WAIT! hold up. who the f*ck is marie!!!

Natalie: The girl he has been talking to! He was getting nudes from her and they been talking for awhile. I was looking through his text and seen one pop up of "marie" Like wtf i told him to be honest to me! he wasn't tho!

Jasmine: I swear bestfriend! we're going out tonight to the night club thats downtown! we'll have fun and look bomb as f*ck okay!

Natalie: I don't know if i want to go out though! what if i see Ivan there? He said he didn't ever meet up with her but they were texting and talking on the phone. You know i cut off christian from my life for Ivan and he does this to me!! we didn't even get that far to where he's at with marie!

Jasmine: Okay whatever ! F8ck his fake ass wanna be player self. Only reason females throwing themselves on him is because he has your fine ass! We're getting ready! Come on.

Jasmine was staying the night at my house and didn't want to go back home to get clothes so i let her borrow some of mine. I let Jasmine borrow my black leather high waisted to the knee pencil skirt with a white strapless crop top. She wore black pointed heels. I wore a white long sleeve backless dress that went to the knees. I decided to wear my white pointy heels and both of us had our hair straight and down. Both of our outfits hugged our curves and we looked bad as fuck but classy at the same time! We drove in My all black benz i got for my birthday and ya girls was stuntin on everybody!

Love is Pain, Pain is love by L. GlzWhere stories live. Discover now