Chapter 11

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Anthony Pov

After what happened with the whole natalie and ivan thing going on I knew i had to send my parents and baby sisters out the country. That same night me and my brother alex went home and told them whats going on. Of course my mom was crying and yelling, my dad was just disappointed. The little ones had no clue what was going on.

It was early in the morning and we were already at the airport. Me and alex helped take the luggages out the cars.

Mom Katelina: Please take care of yourselfs my babies and please take care of my princess.

Dad Kameron: Call me if anything goes down, god be with you my sons.

Alex: No worries, now get on the plane and tell grandma i said hi.

Anthony: Give her a hug from me please.

We saw them get on the plane and my little sister Amy was crying when she knew what was going on and that i wasn't going. I'm going to miss them but this is the best for them and their safety. The plane was off and we left out the airport and to alex mercedes-benz.

Alex: I got a text from joey, we're going to have to send Natalie and Jasmine to Georgia tonight.

Anthony: I knew this was going to happen man..

Alex: Lets head over there right now. Call aunt tracy and tell her there going to be on there way tonight.

I knew Natalie wasn't going to like this for one bit. She's going to have to be gone for a couple months and we got let our people know to watch out for her for us. Both them are going to have to start their senior year in georgia far away from their California friends. Its whats best for both of them. They have to deal with it since they put themselves in this situation.

We pulled up to the house joey told us they would be at. When we went up to the door Chris was right their waiting for us. We said whats up and walked in the safe house. Natalie came running straight to us and hugged us. It looked like she been crying and in comes jasmine with her little attitude. I guess alex been slacking with her. hhaha

Natalie: am i going home now?

Jasmine: please tell me you brought me clothes!

Alex: Y'all going to georgia....

Chris: For awhile...

Natalie: NO! this is our senior year and i cant miss anything this year!

Anthony: Look, its going to be for a couple months. Y'all be ok

Alex: I called aunt tracy and we set an account for both of you.. Y'all can buy clothes over there.

Anthony: Here.. two iPhone 6 plus, all our numbers in it. You can't give it to anybody from here. Only ones you can have contact with is us four.. and NINO.

Jasmine: can we use these with people we meet over there?

Alex: NO

Anthony: Yes y'all can, just nobody from here.

Natalie Pov

The guys were out in the back smoking and me and jasmine were in the room i stayed it. We were just using our phone and talking about what were going to do in georgia. I could here somebody walking to our room and we both look to see it was chris. Jasmine took the hint chris was giving her so he could talk to me, i didn't want her to leave.

Love is Pain, Pain is love by L. GlzNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ