"Emmyn... Emmyn Calleiro"

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"Oh, you scared the hell out of me, kid!" sighed Peter, in relief, as he hugged his protege.

"SM," she said, releasing from the hug. "I'm fine."

"But how would I have known that?" asked her mentor. "What's the number one rule of splitting up?"

Spider-Girl just sighed and hung her masked head in shame.

"Sorry, that's not the answer. You should've said-"

"I know," she groaned, in dismay. "Keep your coms on and always be ready to respond."

"That's right," nodded the original wall-crawler. "Hey, you've gotta get home. It's a school night, remember?"

"Crap, you're right," realized Spider-Girl, before looking back at Peter. "Hey, isn't tonight your date night, with Lauren?"

"That it is!" said a shocked Spider-Man, as he jumped up and swung away. "Get back home!"

"Ok, will do."

Before she could leave, however, Dani's spider-sense went off. Turning around, she looked over to see a young man, who was around her age, about to be hit by a car. Without thinking twice, Spider-Girl jumped into the air, before grabbing the guy.

"Don't worry!" she told him, once he was in her free arm. "I've got you!"

When they landed on a nearby sidewalk, the young man and Dani's eyes met... Well, the young man's eyes met Dani's lenses. 

"H- hi," he said, in shock.

"Hi," responded Spider-Girl, while she put out her gloved hand, without breaking eye contact. "I'm Spider-Girl."

"Emmyn... Emmyn Calleiro," the young man responded, shaking Spider-Girl's hand.

Life As Spider-Girl: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now