The Sinister Six (Part Two)

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The new Green Goblin flew down, to join his comrades on the ground.

"Goblin," scolded Octavius. "What did I say about property damage?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," said Goblin, as he shook his masked head. "If you wish to have those arms of yours removed, then I suggest to do as your leader says, Doctor."

Otto just stood there and looked down at the ground, before making eye contact with Goblin eyes, once more.

"This isn't over," he said, getting behind the team's leader.

"Well, well, well," started Goblin. "What have we here? Not one, but two spiders. This must be my lucky day!"

"Laugh it up all you want, Gobby," said Spider-Man.

"Yeah, we know you're Harry Osborn!" followed up Spider-Girl.

The Goblin just laughed, in response.

"Am I?" asked Goblin. "We all wear masks Spider-Girl, but which one is real? The one that covers your face or the one that IS your face?"

As Goblin moved his gloved hand to unmask Dani, Peter got up and tried to punch the villain. Unfortunately, Doctor Octopus used all four of his mechanical arms to raise Spider-Man up into the air and hold him still, while Electro sent multiple bolts of electricity all throughout the wall-crawler's body.

"Haven't you any manners, boy?!" snarled Goblin, before breaking Peter's right arm.

"GAH!" cried out Spider-Man, in pain.

"That's enough, Doctor, Electro," Goblin told his associate.

Doc Ock dropped Spider-Man to the ground, at the exact same time that Max stopped electrocuting him, chuckling as he watched the OG web-head land on his broken arm. Rhino then kicked him, before Lizard clawed a few gashes on his covered chest. 

"STOP!" cried Dani, getting the villains' attention, before Vulture could get in on the fun. 

 "I hate to admit it, but... the sidekick is right," sighed Octavius. "Let's go."

As the Sinister Six left the premises, Dani tried to web them back down, but Vulture shot two of his wing-daggers into her web-shooters, instantly breaking them. With the sound of the Green Goblin's chilling laugh echoing throughout Rockefeller Plaza, Spider-Girl ran over to her friend/mentor.

"You alive?" she asked, helping him up, being genuinely worried.

"Kinda," groaned Peter, in pain. "Think you can swing me home?"

"Can't. Toomes broke my web-shooters."

"Lemme see?" asked Peter, using his good arm to motion for his protege to show him the damage. "Oh, that's not too bad. Vulture only hit the web cartridges. You just have to replace them."

"Got it..."

"...You DO carry extra web cartridges on you, right?" asked Spider-Man.

"Uh... Note to self: Carry extra web cartridges on me."

"Oh, boy," sighed Peter, as he face palmed into his non-broken arm's hand. "...Alright, I'm gonna try something."

Before Dani could ask what, Peter used his good arm to web his broken arm up, in a makeshift cast and sling.

"Grab on, but not too tight. I think Aleksei broke some ribs."

And with that, Spider-Girl and Spider-Man went back home.

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