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"Aw, Petey!" gushed Lauren. "How were you always so cute?!"

Peter and the Cimorelli sisters were looking through Peter's baby pictures, thanks to Aunt May bringing boxes up from the basement. 

"I don't know, Laur," he said. "I think I just got better looking over time... Not in, like, a narcissistic way. I meant, in, like, a-"

"You're adorable," smiled Lauren, before planting a loving kiss on Peter's lips.

"Hey, look at this one," said Christina, who picked up another picture. "Pete, looks like you're with someone."

It was a picture of a Peter as a baby, no more than five months old, with who looked to be a two year old girl.

"Lemme see?" he asked, before being handed the picture. "Huh... That's weird."

"Here, can I please see it?" asked Katherine, kindly. "You know, Pete. She sorta looks like you."

Just then, Amy and Lisa got up to look at the picture. 

"Yeah, she's not wrong Pete," said Lisa. "The girl does look like you."

"Heh, maybe you have a long-lost sister, or something," joked Amy.


Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Aunt May was doing dishes. When she heard Amy's joke, her breath stopped for a second and she dropped the plate that she was washing.


Upon hearing the plate shatter, Peter looked up to the kitchen entrance.

"Aunt May?" he called. "Are you alright?"

"Uh, yes, dear. I'm fine. I- I just need some help cleaning this glass up."

"I'll help!" called Christina, as she went into the kitchen.


"Thank you, Christina," smiled May. "Just be careful, honey. There's glass everywhere."


"Hey, Aunt May!" called Peter, from the living room. "Can you please come here, for a second?"

May's blood ran cold, as she looked towards Christina, who was cleaning up the glass.

"Don't worry, May. I've got this," she said, in a reassuring tone.

"Ok, dear," sighed Aunt May, as she made her way into the living room.


"Who's this?" asked Peter, curiously, as she showed her the picture.

May just stood there, at a loss for words.

"Aunt May..." said Peter, before he put both hands on his loving Aunt's shoulders. "Please... I need to know."

"Peter..." she started. "...That girl, in the picture with you..."

Peter nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

"...She's your sister."

Peter's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, as did all six of the Cimorelli sisters. 

The End.

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