"Ah, the lady spider!"

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Dani landed on top of a building, on the Upper West Side, to catch her breath. She kept true to her word, just as she said to Lauren and Peter, by searching EVERY borough of New York City, for the Sinister Six. Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Staten Island, you name it, she'd searched every millimeter of that borough. 

"Ok, Dani," she said to herself. "Note to self, don't do that again... Also, never eat ice cream in a dark car... And burritos are not a good date food. Ooh, I should write that down!"

Unfortunately, before she could get the chance to do so, the sound of Vulture's wings echoed throughout the beautiful night sky.

"Aha! There you are!she said, before firing a web-line on to the back of Adrian's wingsuit.

"Aha! There you are!" she said, before firing a web-line on to the back of Adrian's wingsuit

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"What the blazes?" cried Vulture, as he turned his head to see Spider-Girl below him. "Ah, the lady spider!"

"It's 'Spider-Girl,' thank you very much."

"I know, I was being disrespectful!" he said, before flying away, with Dani attached to him, via web-line. "So refreshing to work for a man like Nor- uh, Green Goblin. Backup plans for his backup plans!"

"Sorry? What was that? I can't hear you over your... your bald head!" she quipped, before muttering to herself. "Ugh, this is why Pete gave me quipping homework."

"You will learn to respect your elders, my darling," squawked Vulture (See what I did there?), before firing some wing-daggers towards his foe.

"Oh, snap!" cried Spider-Girl, who dodged most of them.

When the last one came towards her, she webbed it and threw it away. What Dani didn't do, however, was look at where she was throwing it. Unfortunately, it was too late, when she saw it made contact with a nearby apartment building, which soon caught fire.

"Ah, who's the villain now, Spider-Girl?" taunted Adrian. "Looks like Mr. Jameson is going to have a field day, once he hears about this! The choice is yours, sidekick! Keep going after me or save the people!"

Releasing the web-line from Vulture's wingsuit, Spider-Girl went after the people in the building. Just then, Dani heard the one sound that EVERY Spider-Person dreaded, when she went to fire her next web:


When she tried her other web-shooter, it just made the same sound.


"Oh, rrrriiiIIIIIIPPPPPP!" she cried, as she fell down.

Fortunately, before she could hit the ground, she was webbed to a flagpole.

"What the hell?" she asked herself.

She didn't even have to think about it, in order to figure out who webbed her to the flagpole. It was Peter. Even though his arm was broken, that wasn't enough to stop The Amazing Spider-Man from doing what needed to be done. Once he'd saved everyone in the burning building, he made his way back to his protege.

"We need to talk," he said, sternly.

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