The Sinister Six (Part One)

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A few weeks went by and Dani was doing even better as Spider-Girl, than she had done before! Much to Peter's satisfaction, the youngest Cimorelli sister kept her comms on at all times and didn't go rushing into danger. Also, she didn't tell Emmyn that she was Spider-Girl yet, because she started to realize what Peter had meant about the importance of a secret identity.


One day, Dani was walking around Rockefeller Center, when out of nowhere, she saw Emmyn from afar. He was going into FAO Schwarz, to by a present for his little brother, Ellis. 

"Maybe I should tell him who I am," Dani thought, to herself.

However, before she could do anything, she felt her spider-sense go off. Not even a split second later, the ground started to shake and without even thinking, Dani jumped to the side, before Rhino could pierce his horn through her chest. Aleksei stopped and turned around, only to find that Dani was nowhere to be seen. 

"GAHHHHHH!" Rhino roared, in dismay, as he stomped his large, metal covered foot down on to the ground. "IT IS CHASE OF GOOSE!"


Meanwhile, Dani had just finished putting on her mask, when suddenly, Rhino's booming voice echoed throughout the entire city.


"I HATE CHASE OF GOOSE!" he roared, before picking up a car and throwing it. 

However, much to Dani's surprise, an extended metal arm caught said car and carefully set it back down, on the side of the road.

"Aleksei," started Octavius, as his other arms slowly descended him on to the ground. "I know that you're upset, but this is no time for property damage."

"He's right, man," a voice called out.

Just then, the voice's body started to form, out of blue electricity. It was Electro.

"This ain't the time for that shit," he said, before reaching his hand out towards a billboard and absorbing its power into himself.


Dani made her way on to the top of a nearby building. She tapped her earpiece, which called Peter.

"Spider-Man, you need to get down here! Like, now! I'm in Rockefeller Center."

"Funny you should say that," said Peter, in a strained voice.

"You're on your way?" asked Dani.

"Uh... kinda."

"You know what they say, Spiders! The early bird gets the worm!" called a voice, over Peter's comms.

"Was that Toomes?!" asked Dani

"Yeah," responded Spider-Man. "Vulture's taking me on a tour of the city, and by 'tour,' I mean he's pulling me through Manhattan."

"Where are you?"

"Uh, first and Broadway, second and Broadway, third and Broadway- OH, CRAP!"


"AGH!" groaned Spider-Man, as he harshly landed next to his protege. "Oh, that hurts... Oh, hey!"

"You alright?" she asked, as she helped him up.

"Oh, yeah. Everything's just peachy," he quipped, before looking down and seeing Doc Ock, Rhino, and Electro. "Oh, great. The entire peanut gallery's here!"

"Not ALL of us" hissed a voice.

Before they could react, Spider-Man and Spider-Girl were thrown through the roof and inside of the building, that they were standing on, just moments before. Just then, two large, scaly hands grabbed both heroes by the throats.

"Hey, Doctor Connors," groaned Spider-Man, in dismay.

"Hello, Peter," he snarled, before turning to face Dani's masked face. "Ah, the protege... We meet at last."

"Gotta say, you're even more ugly in person," said Dani, before she webbed Lizard's eyes shut, causing him to release her and Peter. 

"Nice quip, Spider-Girl!" said Peter, high-fiving his mentee. 

"I learned from the best, Spider-Man," she said.

Just then, the two web-heads went silent, as they heard the sound of something being thrown through the window. The sound of shattering and clinking shards of glass was followed up by a rolling sound and a series of beeps.

"Oh, no," sighed Spider-Man.

*tick, tick... BOOM!* (See what I did there?)

Dani and Peter were sent back, by the explosion, landing harshly on to the ground.

"Ow... Ok, I've officially run out of ways to say 'ow.'" groaned Spider-Man

"Same here," groaned Spider-Girl.

"Same here," groaned Spider-Girl

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"Harry?!" asked Peter and Dani, at the same time.

"Jinx! Buy me a coke!" cried Spider-Girl.

"Uh, I think we've got bigger fish to fry, kid," Spider-Man reminded her, as the rest of the villains surrounded them.

"Right..." realized Dani, as she saw Electro, Rhino, Lizard, Vulture, and Doctor Octopus looking down on them, with the Green Goblin in the air, hovering on his glider.

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