Chapter 1

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"Come on Mally, I want you to finally meet him." Aviana says as she looks in Mallory's closet. "But it's gonna be awkward & I'm just going to be the third wheel." Mallory calls from her bed.

"No, you won't, he's bringing a friend." "More people, great." Mallory says sarcastically. "I've never met him, so he's new to me to." Aviana says.

"I really don't want to go though." Mallory whines. "Mally you only go out to grocery shop, to work or to go get coffee with me, I think it's time you meet new people." Aviana says stepping out the closet holding Mallory's green dress.

"First off I like being alone, second, I am not wearing that." "Why not?" Aviana asks shrugging her shoulders as she places the dress on the bed next to Mallory.

"It's old, it's thrifted, and I don't even know if it still fits." "Well let's find out." Aviana says pulling Mallory off the bed, causing her to sigh. 

Undressing herself first before slipping on the dress. It's shorter than it was last time she wore it, but it's perfect. The dress reaching the middle of her upper thigh and the sleeves reaching her wrist.

"Okay, perfect. Pair that with your heels, some jewelry and you'd be good to go." Aviana says smiling. Mallory nods. Grabbing a pair of heels, her silver heart necklace, and her silver fake diamond earrings, she puts it all on.

Aviana already came to Mallory's apartment ready in her dark blue dress and black heels, she quickly helps Mallory with make-up. "You look beautiful Mally." Aviana compliments. "Thanks Avi." Mallory smiles.

"Alright well let's hit the road." Aviana says. Grabbing their phones and keys, they walk out the door and down the building's stairs. Aviana gets a cab, telling the older man to go to 'The Pink Door' restaurant.

Only a five-minute drive, before the car stops in front of the beautiful restaurant.

Black RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora