Chapter 19

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"Nice to meet you to." Mallory smiles at Gerald. "Let's go in." Aviana smiles as the three couples walk into the restaurant. Walking to the back they all sit down at a big booth. "Sit next to Rowan baby." Waylen guides her into the booth so he can sit on the edge, ready to protect her if needed. Smiling she slides in next to Rowan, sitting across from Gerald and Madelaine.

Gerald is much older than Rowan and Waylen, probably early sixties, grey curly hair and brown eyes, a bit chubby as well. His wife Madelaine is gorgeous, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slim figure. "It's so good to see you two again." Gerald smiles at Rowan and Waylen causing both of them to smile. "How have you two been?" Gerald asks them. "I've been good, work has been quite quiet, but still making a lot of money." Rowan smiles.

"That's great Rowan, and you?" "I've been great, I met this amazing thing and I've been happier than ever." Waylen says putting a hand on her thigh. Smiling she leans her head on his shoulder. "You know this man always used to say he'd never find anyone and always complained about him not getting to be a dad, it always drove me mad that a pretty girl like you hadn't snatched him up yet...I'm so happy for you two." Gerald says.

Mallory's eyes wide. Waylen wants to be a dad? She didn't think he wanted kids; she has pictured it a lot in her mind though. Waylen closes his eyes, sighing, embarrassed. Mallory smiles, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Waylen looks down, blushing. "I think you'll be a great dad, the best even." She whispers in his ear which only makes him blush more. It's the most special compliment he's ever received. "Stop baby." He chuckles making her smile.

The next morning after they woke up, Waylen asked Mallory to move in with him, she gladly accepted, and they got onto it right away. Calling Rowan and Aviana to help pack and move. Once they were settled and alone, Waylen didn't waste a second, pounding her on every flat surface-the top floor window after Waylen realized and found out Mallory is a slight masochist, the front door after getting home from dinner. The kitchen counter-Waylen couldn't help himself when he saw her half naked body dancing around, even his study desk after she gave him a fantastic blowjob as a reward for writing a letter, he postponed for two days.

He's also been getting extremely soft, laughing and blushing much more, getting her flowers and a lot more compliments towards Mallory also a lot of expensive gifts, designer bags and shoes, expensive make up, he practically bought everything she touched, and even though she told him not to buy it-he didn't listen.

"Good evening, everyone, my names Chad, should we start with drinks?" The waiter asks. Chad has blond hair and brown eyes, much shorter than any of the men at the table and clearly still in college. "Yes, one lemon martini." Madelaine asks. "One Tom Collins." Gerald asks. "For me and her, one pina colada and one beer please." Rowan orders. "Alright and for you two. "One glass of Jack Daniels please." Waylen looks to Mallory as he's unsure of what to get her.

"Uhmm, one Melon Ball Martini please." She smiles up at the waiter. "Coming right up beautiful." Winking at her Colon walks away. Waylen frowns before his head shoots to Mallory seeing her frown as well. "Maybe he was just being nice." She shrugs, clearly confused as well, it's pretty obvious the two are a couple due to their interlocked hands and the fact Mallory is sitting right beside him, literally skin to skin. "I hope for his part he is."

Placing a kiss on his jaw they turn back to the conversation. "When are you guys leaving for Europe?" Gerald asks to Rowan and Aviana. "Next week actually, next week Wednesday." Rowan answers and Gerald nods. "What about you two, what are you lovebirds doing for summer?" Madelaine asks. "I'm surprising Mallory with a special getaway." Waylen smirks causing Mallory to frown. "Huh?" She questions, this is the first time she's hearing about this. "Yea, everything's already paid for now we just wait for June 24th to roll by so we can go." Waylen smirks.

"Do you know where they are going?" Aviana asks Rowan and he nods. "Oh, you gotta tell me!" Aviana says excited. "No, I can't, you can't keep a secret even if your life depended on it." Rowan says causing Aviana to gasp. "That's not true." Aviana says placing a hand over her heart. "Mallory told me some stories that gave me that idea."

"Ah, how dare you, I thought we were friends?" Aviana says causing everyone to laugh. "Well, when we're gone text me where, because if you text me now, I'll definitely tell her." Gerald says smiling. "Oh, look at that you and Aviana can be besties." Rowan smiles causing Aviana to burst out laughing with Gerald. "See your already getting along, how nice."

"Here you go, one lemon martini and Tom Collins." Chad says placing the drinks in front of Gerald and Madelaine. "One pina colada and one beer." One again placing it in front of Aviana and Rowan. "And you the Jack Daniels and for this sexy lady a Melon Ball Martini." He places it in front of the couple. "Yea listen man, I'd appreciate it if you stop flirting with my girlfriend." Waylen says sternly looking up at Chad. "Oh, come on man, how do you accept me not to shoot my shot, I mean look at her, I just know she's tight." He says smirking at Mallory.

Mallory frowns embarrassed. Rowan balling his fist and Aviana clearly disgusted just like Gerald and Madelaine. Waylen lets go of Mallory's hand before land a punch square in his jaw. Mallory gasps, standing up as the two men fall to the floor. Waylen on top of him, punching him repeatedly. Rowan jumps up as well as Gerald pulling the two apart. "If you even dare saying that again, I'll fucking kill you." Waylen says as Rowan pulls him away.

"What the hell is going on?" The manager asks running towards the group. "Your waiter is completely disrespectful and making inappropriate comments about customers." Gerald says as the manager grabs Chad. "Get the hell out of here, Broadlin get Chad out." Another waiter approaches them, grabbing Chad before leaving. "I apologise, we can him one more chance after another customer complained about his comments, your dinner and drinks are on us tonight." He says walking away to deal with Chad.

"Waylen are you okay?" Mallory asks walking towards him as Rowan lets go, cupping his cheeks inspecting his face, not even a scratch seen. "Yea, I'm okay." He nods kissing her head. "I'm gonna clean up real quick." He motions to his bloody knuckles; she nods as he walks off. Mallory sits back down. "You okay Mallory?" Rowan asks and she nods.

She's not okay, he's violent and yes he was standing up for her but she couldn't help but think of her dad, however she did find it extremely attractive that he stoop up for her and his messy hair and his bloody knuckles. Rowan could see her on the verge of crying. "Hey, he'll never hurt you. I swear, children and women are off limits to him, he only beats up assholes." Rowan smiles holding her hand. "Thanks Rowan." She smiles hugging him.

"Your welcome, really believe me, Waylen has never hit a woman in his life, he's actually saved a lot of women from creeps like that guy." "Really?" Mallory asks. "Yea, the first time it happened, we were at a bar when we were like twenty-two, twenty three and the bartender was a girl, there was a guy cat calling her and he couldn't stand it, so he stood up and he beat him up, since then it's been a habit of his. If he sees a woman get hurt or made uncomfortable by a man, he'd take matters into his own hands." "Thank you, Rowan." She smiles pulling back just as Waylen sits beside her.

"I'm apologise everyone." Waylen looks at everyone smiling softly. "Don't apologise for protecting." Gerald says and Waylen nods smiling. "I'm sorry baby." Waylen says leaning down so only she can hear. "It's okay baby, we'll talk when we're back at home." Mallory smiles softly at him. "Am I in trouble?" He asks causing Mallory to smile. "No, I just want to express my feelings about it towards you." She says grabbing his hand as he nods. He leans down again, pecking her lips. "Thank you for standing up for me." "Anything for you." Kissing her head they got back to their conversation.

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